[UAI] B-Course: Bayesian tutorial and data analysis service

From: Henry Tirri (tirri@cs.Helsinki.FI)
Date: Wed Nov 08 2000 - 07:17:39 PST

  • Next message: Bongki Moon: "[UAI] CFP: ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT)"

    A Bayesian web-based interactive tutorial and data analysis service
    Version 1.0

    B-Course is a web-based interactive tutorial on Bayesian dependence
    modeling. However, B-Course is more than just a tutorial: it is also
    a free data analysis tool that makes it possible for you to use your
    own data in the tutorial. Consequently, B-Course can be used as an
    analysis tool for any research where dependence modeling is of
    interest. B-Course extracts both Bayesian Belief Network models and
    Causal models (as discussed in Judea Pearl's recent book "Causality -
    Models, Reasoning and Inference") from a given data set, and supports
    two graphical user interfaces for inference with the constructed
    Bayesian networks.

    In more detail: B-Course allows missing data, automatically
    discretizes continuous variables, builds Bayesian Belief Networks,
    Naive Causal Models (no latent variable assumption) and Restricted
    Latent Variable Causal Models. The system provides both a "vanilla"
    user interface for Bayesian inference in the constructed Bayesian
    network, and a more sophisticated graphical user interface for browsers
    supporting Java. B-Course also supports exportation of the constructed
    models in Hugin Lite format, and offers a library of tutorial material
    about the Bayesian approach to dependency modeling.

    B-Course is offered free for educational and research purposes only.

    B-Course is a service, not a program that is downloaded. Thus it is
    used via a web browser and all the computationally intensive tasks are
    performed at the B-Course server farm. Although a considerable effort
    has been put in making B-Course to work with all Netscape and
    Explorer browser versions, it cannot be guaranteed that B-Course works
    with very early versions of browser software.

    B-Course can be found at


    B-Course Service is hosted by Complex Systems Computation Group (CoSCo),
    Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki - Home of Linux.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Wed Nov 08 2000 - 07:23:01 PST