From: Nadine Gisler (nadine@wtc.ab.ca)
Date: Sat Nov 18 2000 - 08:12:05 PST

  • Next message: Terry Sejnowski: "[UAI] Computational Neurobiology Graduate Training at UCSD"

    Call FOR PAPER

    Fourth International ICSC Symposia on
    June 26-29, 2001
    Paisley, Scotland, U.K.

    General Information
    The twin conferences, Soft Computing (SOCO 2001) and Intelligent Systems
    for Industry (ISFI 2001) are intended to cover the field of "soft computing"
    from pure blue-sky research (SOCO) to prototypes and applications of soft
    computing. Soft computing has become a term embracing artificial neural
    networks, evolutionary algorithms, belief networks, fuzzy sets and logics,
    etc. (A fuller list of topics appears below).

    AIM OF SOCO 2001 AND ISFI 2001
    SOCO 2001 aims to be of broad interest to engineers, computer scientists and
    all who use such technologies. It will be a forum for the
            Dissemination of new research in the field of soft computing
            Introduction of application-oriented researchers to leading edge new

    ISFI 2001 will encourage practitioners and researchers from industry,
    commerce, education and governments to submit existing applications of soft
    computing either as technical papers or as demonstrations. ISFI 2001 aims
    to be a forum for the

            Dissemination of results on new applications in this field
            Introduction of pure research oriented personnel to applications of soft

    Symposium Topics (SOCO'2001)
    Soco'2001 will include contributions on long term research (theory
    development, enhanced approaches, formal methods comparisons, applications,
    etc.) in the area of soft-computing. Contributions are sought in areas based
    on the list below, which is indicative only.
            Neural Networks
            Fuzzy Logic
            Rough Sets
            Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing
            Chaos Theory
            Al and Expert Systems
            Probabilistic Reasoning, belief nets
            Machine learning
            Learning Algorithms and Intelligent Control
            Pattern Recognition and Image Understanding
            Distributed Intelligence
            Self-Organizing Systems
            Fuzzy Databases and Information Retrieval
            Educational Aspects of Soft Computing

    International Program Committee (SOCO'2001)
            Peter G. Anderson, USA
            Gerardo Beni USA
            Franco Bignone, Italy
            Darryl Charles, U.K.
            Juan Corchado, Spain
            Andrej Dobnikar, Slovenia
            Gerard Dray, France
            Bogdan Gabrys, U.K.
            Marco Gori, Italy
            Amir Hussain, U.K.
            Bart Kosko, USA
            Laszlo Koczy, Hungary
            Ludmila Kuncheva, U.K.
            Franz Kurfess, USA
            Francesco Masulli, Italy
            Erzsebet Merenyi, USA
            Sadaaki Miyamoto, Japan
            Claudio Moraga, Germany
            Antonio di Nola, Italy
            Mark Plumbley, U.K.
            Henrik Saxen, Finland
            Nigel Steele, U.K.
            Leonard Studer, Switzerland
            Yoshinori Uesaka, Japan
            Chris Williams, Scotland

    Symposium Topics (ISFI'2001)
    ISFI'2001 will include contributions in the research area of Soft Computing
    Application and, more general, related to medium-to-short term and
    application driven developments Advanced Information Technology and
    Industrial Intelligent Technology. Particular emphasis will be laid on
    industrial realization, experimental application, application methodology
    development and/or formalization, quantitative and qualitative problem

    Contributions are sought mainly in the areas based on the list below:
    Industrial Area: Commerce, Energy, Transportation, Services, Medicine
    High-Tech Area: Innovative Control and Diagnostics, Computer Vision,
    Robotics and Remote Sensing, Speech Recognition and Machine Translation,
    Mechatronics, etc.
    Green-tech Area: Intelligent Resource Management, Intelligent Pollutant
    Management, User Behavior Modelling, Intelligent Traffic Control, etc.

    International Program Committee (ISFI'2001)
            Arantza Aldea, Spain
            Zeungnam Bien, Korea
            Pierre Borne, France
            Hans-Heinrich Bothe, Denmark
            Douglas Campbell, U.K.
            Daniele Caviglia, Italy
            Vincent Chapurlat, France
            Richard D. Colbaugh, USA
            Anna Maria Colla, Italy
            Clarence W. de Silva, Canada
            H.A. Donegan, U.K.
            Patrick Gallinari, France
            Madan M. Gupta, Canada
            Henry H. Hexmoor, USA
            R.J.Howlett, U.K
            Tan Kok Kiong, Singapore
            Anthony A.Maciejewski,USA
            Fazel Naghdy, Australia
            Saeid Nahavandi, Australia
            Charles C. Nguyen, USA
            Riccardo Parenti, Italy
            David Pearson, France
            Duc T. Pham, U.K.
            Mark Plumbley, U.K.
            David Riaño, Spain
            Milad Sebaaly, U.A.E.
            Alberto Servida, Italy
            Edward Szczerbicky, Australia
            Peter Vas, U.K.
            Leonello Zaquini, Italy

    The scientific program will include invited plenary talks, contributed
    sessions, invited sessions, and tutorials.

    Call for Invited Sessions
    The organization of invited sessions is encouraged. Prospective organizers
    are requested to send a session proposal (consisting of 4-5 invited papers,
    the recommended session-chair and co-chair, as well as a short statement
    describing the title and the purpose of the session) to the respective
    symposium chair or the congress organizer. Invited sessions should
    preferably start with a tutorial paper. The registration fee of the session
    organizer will be waived, if at least 4 authors of invited papers register
    to the conference.

    Poster Presentations
    Poster presentations are encouraged for people who wish to receive peer
    feedback and practical examples of applied research are particularly
    welcome. Poster sessions will allow the presentation and discussion of
    respective papers, which will also be included in the conference

    Call for Workshops, Tutorials and Other Contributions
    Several workshops/tutorials are planned for SOCO/ISFI'2001. Each
    workshop/tutorial will focus on a particular topic, and consist of several
    presentations and open discussions. The proposal for a workshop/tutorial
    should include the title, topics covered, proposed speakers, targeted
    audiences, and estimated length (hours) of the workshop/tutorial. The
    proposal should be submitted either to the congress chair, the corresponding
    symposium chair or the congress organizer by January 15, 2001.

    Submission of Papers
    Prospective authors are requested to send a short biography and draft paper
    of maximum 7 pages for review by the International Program Committee. All
    submissions must be written in English, starting with a succinct statement
    of the problem, the results achieved, their significance and a comparison
    with previous work, as well as a list of references.
    The submissions should also include:
    - - Title of symposium (SOCO 2001, ISFI 2001)
    - - Type of paper (regular, demonstration, tutorial or invited)
    - - Title of proposed paper
    - - Authors names, affiliations, addresses
    - - Name of author to contact for correspondence
    - - E-mail address and fax # of contact author
    - - Topics which best describe the paper (max. 7 keywords)
    Contributions are welcome from researchers, academics and practitioners
    active in any field of Soft Computing covered by the topics of the
    congress. Congress language is English. Invited sessions, tutorial papers
    and demonstrations are also encouraged. Prospective organizers are requested
    to submit a session proposal to the congress organizer.
    Submission by electronic mail is strongly recommended to

    Proceedings and Publications
    Proceedings will be available at the congress in print and on CD-ROM. All
    accepted and invited papers will be included in the congress proceedings,
    published in print and on CD-ROM by ICSC Academic Press, Canada/Switzerland.
    A selected number of papers will be expanded and revised for
    possible.inclusion in special issues of leading international journals.

    Important Dates
    Submission Deadline November 30, 2000
    Notification of Acceptance January 31, 2001
    Delivery of Full Papers March 15, 2001
    SOCO/ISFI'2001 International Congress June 26-29, 2001

    Further Information
    Please contact:
            ICSC International Computer Science Conventions
    5101C - 50 Street, Wetaskiwin, Alberta T9A 1K1 / Canada
    E-mail: operating@icsc.ab.ca or planning@icsc.ab.ca
    Phone: +1-780-352-1912 / Fax: +1-780-352-1913

    or for specific scientific information contact the congress chair:

            Prof. Colin Fyfe (General Chair)
    University of Paisley
    Computing & Information Systems
    High Street
    Paisley PA1 2DE
    Scotland, U.K.
    Email: fyfe0ci@paisley.ac.uk
    Fax: +44-141-848-3542

            Prof. Lorenzo Moreno (Vice-Chair)
    University La Laguna Tenerife
    Edificio de Fisica y Matematicas
    Av. Astrofisico Francisco Sánchez S/N
    E - 38071 La Laguna (Tenerife)
    Email: lmoreno@ull.es
    Fax: 34-22-603217

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