Kyoto, Japan: Mathematician (Probability) / Programmer Job Opportunity

From: Ezra Black (
Date: Fri Nov 24 2000 - 14:44:38 PST

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             Statistical Natural Language Processing
          ATR Interpreting Telecommunications Research
                         Kyoto, Japan

    ATR in Kyoto, Japan is looking for a talented and experienced
    mathematician (good probability background) / computer scientist who
    is interested in coming to Japan and joining an exciting research
    project in statistical natural language processing. The overall goals
    of the project are to continue development of natural langage parsers
    and use them in statistical French<->English language translation.
    The research group which the candidate would become part of has
    developed and is refining a natural language parsing system based on
    statistical machine learning algorithms. The job begins ideally in
    March, 2001 and lasts for 1-4 years. Later start dates are possible,
    though not a first choice.

    A qualified candidate must have the Ph.D. degree, preferably math,
    physics, computer science; with extensive programming experience and
    expertise in C++. Ability to innovate approaches to applied
    mathematical problems in the area of probability required. Experience
    with statistical modelling within general pattern recognition field
    also important. Familiarity with natural language field a plus but
    not absoutely necessary. Candidate should know UNIX well and in
    general be a highly expert programmer. This is not a job for those
    who are theoreticians only, but rather is for someone who is equally
    at home with issues of statistical modelling theory, experimental
    method, and detailed coding matters. Java/Corba experience would be
    nice, though again not required. The position involves supervision of
    several researchers and programmers as well.

    Salary and conditions competitive.

    Please contact: Thank you.

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