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From: Conference, CIMCA (CIMCA@ise.canberra.edu.au)
Date: Mon Dec 04 2000 - 18:41:07 PST

  • Next message: Elin Grimes: "[UAI] Job Openings"

    > [We apologize if you receive more than one copy of this announcement]
    > DUE DATE: 16 MARCH 2001
    > International Conference on Computational Intelligence for
    > Modelling, Control and Automation - CIMCA'2001
    > 4-6 July 2001
    > Las Vegas, USA
    > http://beth.canberra.edu.au/conferences/CIMCA2001/index.htm
    > In Conjunction with
    > International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web
    > Technologies
    > and Internet Commerce - iawtic'2001
    > http://beth.canberra.edu.au/conferences/IAWTIC2001/index.htm
    > =======================
    > 16 March 2001 Deadline for submission of draft papers
    > Honorary Chairs:
    > Lotfi A. Zadeh, University of California, USA
    > Stephen Grossberg, Boston University, USA
    > The international conference on computational intelligence for modelling,
    > control and automation will be held in Las Vegas, USA on 4-6 July 2001.
    > The conference
    > provides a medium for the exchange of ideas between theoreticians and
    > practitioners
    > o address the important issues in computational intelligence, modelling,
    > control and
    > automation.
    > The conference will consist of both plenary sessions and contributory
    > sessions, focusing on theory, implementation and applications of
    > computational intelligence
    > techniques to modelling, control and automation. For contributory
    > sessions, draft papers
    > (4 pages or more) are being solicited. Several well-known keynote speakers
    > will address the
    > conference.
    > Topics of the conference include, but are not limited to, the following
    > areas:
    > Modern and Advanced Control Strategies
    > Neural Networks Control,
    > Fuzzy Logic Control,
    > Genetic Algorithms & Evolutionary Control,
    > Model-Predictive Control,
    > Adaptive and Optimal Control,
    > Intelligent Control Systems,
    > Robotics and Automation,
    > Fault Diagnosis,
    > Industrial Automations
    > Hybrid Systems
    > Fuzzy Evolutionary Systems,
    > Fuzzy Expert Systems,
    > Fuzzy Neural Systems,
    > Neural Genetic Systems,
    > Neural-Fuzzy-Genetic Systems,
    > Hybrid Systems for Optimisation
    > Data Analysis, Prediction and Model Identification
    > Signal Processing,
    > Prediction & Time Series Analysis,
    > System Identification,
    > Data Fusion and Mining,
    > Knowledge Discovery,
    > Intelligent Information Systems,
    > Image Processing,
    > Image Understanding,
    > Parallel Computing applications in Identification & Control,
    > Pattern Recognition, Clustering,
    > Classification
    > Decision Making and Information Retrieval
    > Case-Based Reasoning,
    > Decision Analysis,
    > Intelligent Databases & Information Retrieval,
    > Dynamic Systems Modelling,
    > Decision Support Systems,
    > Multi-criteria Decision Making,
    > Qualitative and Approximate-Reasoning
    > Paper Submission
    > ================
    > Papers will be selected based on their originality, significance,
    > correctness, and clarity of presentation. Extended abstract (4 pages)
    > should be
    > submitted to the following e-mail or the following address:
    > CIMCA'2001 Secretariat
    > School of Computing
    > University of Canberra
    > Canberra, 2601, ACT, Australia
    > E-mail: cimca@ise.canberra.edu.au
    > E-mail submission is preferred. Extended abstract should present original
    > work, which has not been published or being reviewed for other
    > conferences.
    > Important Dates
    > ===============
    > 16 March 2001 Deadline for submission of draft papers
    > 16 April 2001 Notification of acceptance
    > 1 May 2001 Deadline for camera-ready copies of accepted papers
    > 4-6 July 2001 Conference sessions
    > Special Sessions and Tutorials
    > Special sessions and tutorials will be organised at the conference. The
    > conference is calling for special sessions and tutorial proposals. All
    > proposals
    > should be sent to the conference chair on or before April 9th, 2001.
    > CIMCA'2001 will also
    > include a special poster session devoted to recent work and
    > work-in-progress.
    > Abstracts are solicited for this session. Abstracts (3 pages limit) may be
    > submitted up to 30 days before the conference date.
    > Invited Sessions
    > Keynote speakers from academia and industry will be addressing the main
    > issues of the conference.
    > Visits and social events
    > Sightseeing visits will be arranged for the delegates and guests. A
    > separate program will be arranged for companions during the conference.
    > Further Information
    > For further information either contact cimca@ise.canberra.edu.au or see
    > the
    > conference homepage at: http://beth.canberra.edu.au/conferences/
    > CIMCA2001/index.htm
    > International Program Committee:
    > B. Kosko, University of Southern California, USA
    > A. Kandel, University of South Florida, USA
    > T. Fukuda, Nagoya University, Japan
    > T. Baeck, Informatic Centrum Dortmund, Germany
    > J. Bezdek, University of West Florida, USA
    > K. Hirota, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
    > R. J. Stonier, Central Queensland University, Australia
    > E. Oja, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
    > W. Pedrycz, University of Manitoba, Canada
    > Henry Selvaraj, University of Las Vegas, USA
    > X. Yao, The University of Bermingham, UK
    > H. R. Berenji, NASA Ames Research Center, USA
    > R. C. Eberhart, Purdue University, USA
    > T. Shibata, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Japan
    > H. Liljenstrom, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
    > F. Herrera, University of Granada, Spain
    > A. Bulsari, AB Nonlinear Solutions OY, Finland
    > J. D. Pinter, Dalhousie University, Canada
    > H. Adeli, The Ohio State University, USA
    > V. Piuri, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
    > A. Aamodt, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
    > J. Fernandez de Caņete, University of Malaga, Spain
    > W. Duch, Nicholas Copernicus,University, Poland
    > E. Tulunay, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
    > L. Guan, University of Sydney, Australia
    > C. Kuroda, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
    > Organising Committee Chair:
    > Masoud Mohammadian
    > School of Computing
    > University of Canberra
    > Canberra, 2601, Australia
    > International Liaison:
    > Canada and USA Liaison:
    > J. D. Pinter, Dalhousie University,
    > Canada
    > Europe Liaison :
    > Z. Pahlavani, AVIP, Austria
    > Local Arrangements and
    > Public Relation:
    > Z. Pahlavani, AVIP, Austria
    > P. Kazumi, VL-Pro, The Netherlands
    > Publicity:
    > P. Kazumi, VL-Pro, The Netherlands
    > R. John, De Montfort University,UK
    > Publication :
    > M. Mohammadian, University of Canberra, Australia

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