[UAI] Apologies for re-submission of call for papers: missing information

From: Paolo Remagnino (p.remagnino@king.ac.uk)
Date: Tue Dec 12 2000 - 06:59:32 PST

  • Next message: mark_alroy@yahoo.co.uk: "Journal for KR submission?"

    Second Workshop on Advanced Video-based Surveillance
    4th September 2001, Kingston upon Thames, London, United Kingdom

     It was brought to my attention that I did send an incomplete call for
    papers. The web page for our workshop can be found at the following
    URL www.king.ac.uk/avbs2001

     The Workshop will include one session on Scene Interpretation, and I
    am happy to invited anybody in the field to submit their work.

     Dr Paolo Remagnino=20

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