[UAI] A gentle reminder: (1) a call for papers & (2) a call for papers or participation

From: Peter Tillers (tillers@tiac.net)
Date: Mon Dec 18 2000 - 10:04:22 PST

  • Next message: Pedro Barahona: "[UAI] 2nd CFP:AIME'01 - 8th Eur. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine"

    My Dear Colleagues:

    Without, I hope, unduly disturbing your holiday festivities, I would
    like to renew two calls. The first is a call for papers; the second, a
    call for _either_
        (a) papers (and participation),
        (b) your mere (& much-desired!) participation or attendance.

    1. Call for Papers. The new journal _ Law, Probability and Risk: A
    Journal of Reasoning under Uncertainty_ (Oxford, first quarterly issue,
    Jan. 2002) is soliciting submissions. Please see


    The main editor is Prof. Colin Aitken. His e-mail address:

    2. Call for Papers, Demonstrations, Statements of Position, or (Mere)
    Participation. The program(me) committee solicits papers for and
    participation in the workshop on AI & Legal Evidence, to be held May 21
    or 25, 2001, in St. Louis, in conjunction with the Eighth International
    Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law . Please see


    The chair of the program(me) committee is Prof. Ron Shapira. His e-mail
    address: shapira@mail.biu.ac.il


    Thank you for your attention.


        Peter Tillers

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