[UAI] Special Issue on Automated Text Categorization

From: Thorsten Joachims (Thorsten.Joachims@gmd.de)
Date: Mon Jan 08 2001 - 06:57:00 PST

  • Next message: Tom Fawcett: "[UAI] Call for Tutorial Proposals -- KDD-2001"

                                    Call for Papers

                         Journal of Intelligent Information Systems
                             (Kluwer Academic Publishers)

                                   Special Issue on
                             Automated Text Categorization


                                    Guest Editors
                          Thorsten Joachims <Thorsten.Joachims@gmd.de>
          National Research Center for Information Technology (GMD), Germany
                      Fabrizio Sebastiani <fabrizio@iei.pi.cnr.it>
                        National Council of Research (CNR), Italy

    We encourage the submission of high quality, original work that has
    not been submitted, accepted for publication, or published elsewhere,
    covering any aspect of automated text categorization, including (but
    not restricted to) the following

         Machine learning methods for text categorization
         Theoretical models of text categorization
         Hierarchical text categorization
         Text analysis and indexing methods for text categorization
         Dimensionality reduction for text categorization
         Evaluation issues in text categorization
         Applications of text categorization
         Automated categorization of Web pages and Web sites
         Text filtering and routing
         Topic detection and tracking
         Spoken text categorization
         OCR'ed text categorization


         Submission deadline : 28 February 2001
         Acceptance/rejection notification : 31 May 2001
         Submission of final copy : 31 July 2001
         Tentative Publication Date : December 2001

    More Information at


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