[UAI] FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS (Cognitive Science)

From: Colleen Seifert (seifert@umich.edu)
Date: Thu Jan 18 2001 - 10:43:53 PST

  • Next message: Pedro Barahona: "[UAI] Subject: 3rd (and last) CFP : AIME'01 - 8th Eur. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence"

    Twenty-third Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society
    August 1 - 4, 2001 at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland


    Cognitive Science pursues a scientific understanding of the mind
    through all available methodologies, notably those of anthropology,
    artificial intelligence, computer science, education, linguistics,
    logic, neuroscience, philosophy and psychology, in whatever
    combinations are most appropriate to the topic at hand. The focus of
    this year's conference will be to represent the full breadth of
    research in the cognitive sciences, in ways that will lead to useful
    mutual interaction. All contributions should be addressed to an
    interdisciplinary audience.

    - STANDARD SPOKEN PAPERS: 20-minute spoken presentations, which (if
    accepted) will be published as 6-page papers in the Proceedings;

    - STANDARD POSTERS: poster presentations, which (if accepted) will be
    published as 6-page papers in the Proceedings;

    - ABSTRACT POSTERS: poster presentations, which (if accepted) will be
    published in the Proceedings as one-page abstracts, but can be
    submitted only by members of the Cognitive Science Society. For
    information about membership, see

    Submissions will be reviewed by an international panel of experts
    according to the following criteria: Significance; Relevance to a
    Broad Audience of Cognitive Science Researchers; Originality;
    Technical Merit; and Clarity of Presentation.

    SUBMISSION SPECIFICATIONS: ALL submissions for standard spoken papers,
    standard posters, and abstract posters, should be submitted according
    to instructions at http://www.hcrc.ed.ac.uk/cogsci2001. Electronic
    templates are provided for a number of word processing
    programs. Papers must be submitted in PDF format, and instructions for
    converting LaTex, Word and WordPerfect files into PDF format are
    provided at the conference website. PROPOSALS THAT DO NOT FIT THESE

    SYMPOSIA: 90-minute spoken presentations, including three or more
    well-integrated talks on a common topic and possibly a discussant,
    will be published as one-page abstracts in the Proceedings. Symposia
    proposals can be emailed to: cogscipcc@cogsci.ed.ac.uk

    TUTORIALS: Full and half-day sessions providing tools, techniques, and
    results to use in teaching and research will be offered. Tutorial
    Proposals can be emailed to frank.ritter@nottingham.ac.uk


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