[UAI] KDD-2001 Call for Papers

From: George John (gjohn@epiphany.com)
Date: Fri Jan 19 2001 - 09:39:47 PST

  • Next message: Ian Miguel: "[UAI] CFP: AAAI 2001 Fall Symposium on Using Uncertainity Within Computation"

                           KDD-2001 Call for Papers
              The Seventh ACM SIGKDD International Conference on
                     Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

                  August 26-29, 2001, San Francisco, CA, USA


                                  Due Dates:
                         Paper Abstracts February 26
                              Submissions March 2

                   See also Calls for Workshop, Panel, and
                      Tutorial proposals on the Website

    On-line, interconnected systems offer unprecedented opportunities for
    discovery and learning from the wealth of accompanying data.
    Extracting useful knowledge from such data is becoming more difficult,
    as volume and complexity push traditional techniques beyond their
    limits. Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) techniques automate
    the process of extracting knowledge from data. The annual ACM SIGKDD
    conference brings together researchers and practitioners focusing on
    new developments and challenges in KDD brought about by this data

    Suggested Paper Topics include (but are not limited to):

    Methods and Algorithms: data mining, web mining, text mining, mining
    time-series data, mining mixed-type data, mining high-dimensional
    data, incorporating domain knowledge, open-ended discovery, scalable
    algorithms, statistical methods, unconventional knowledge

    The KDD Process: process modeling, process automation, data cleaning,
    human involvement, visualization, interactive exploration,
    interestingness, evaluating knowledge and discoveries.

    Integrated Systems: embedded KDD techniques, unification of mining
    with database architectures, integration of data
    mining/warehousing/OLAP, exploration and discovery systems.

    Applications and Experiences: e-commerce, privacy issues,
    personalization, activity monitoring, scientific applications,
    benchmarks, new application areas, tools, commercial successes or

    Paper Submission

    Papers should describe original work that has not appeared and is not
    under review elsewhere (specialized workshops excluded). Both basic
    and applied research papers are solicited, as well as papers
    describing applications making significant research
    contributions. Paper length should be a maximum of 20 pages, using
    12pt. font, 1.5 line spacing, and 1in. margins. We strongly encourage
    electronic submission of papers. An electronic abstract of at most
    250 words must be submitted by Feb 26, 2001. Details of the submission
    process will be posted shortly on the conference web site

    See http://www.acm.org/sigkdd/kdd2001/IT/FAQ.html for guidance on whether
    to submit a paper to the research or industrial track.

    Other SIGKDD-2001 Calls for Papers / Proposals:

    Call for Industrial Track papers (same due dates)
    Call for Workshop Proposals (due Feb 5)
    Call for Tutorial Proposals (due March 7)
    Call for Panel Proposals (due March 7)

    KDD-2001 Organizing Committee:

    General Chair: Mario Schkolnick, SGI
    Program Chairs: Foster Provost, NYU
                               Ramakrishnan Srikant, IBM Almaden
    Industrial Session Chairs: Vasant Dhar, NYU
                               Surajit Chaudhuri, Microsoft Research
    Best Paper Awards Chair: Jiawei Han, Simon Fraser University
    Conference Treasurer: Ian Davidson, SGI
    Demos/Exhibits Chair: Paul Bradley, DigiMine
    Local Arrangements Chair: Archana Sathaye, San Jose State University
    Panels Chair: Pedro Domingos, Univ. of Washington
    Publicity Chair: George John, E.piphany
    Tutorials Chair: Tom Fawcett, HP Labs
    Workshops Chair: Roberto Bayardo, IBM Almaden
    Webmaster: T.S. Lim, Recursive Partitioning
    SIGKDD Chair: Won Kim, Cyber Database Solutions

    Program Committee: http://www.acm.org/sigkdd/kdd2001/pc.html

    George H. John xenon.stanford.edu/~gjohn
    Data Mining Guru, E.piphany www.epiphany.com

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