[UAI] Final Call for papers: 2nd European Workshop on Advanced Video-based Surveillance Systems

From: Paolo Remagnino (p.remagnino@kingston.ac.uk)
Date: Thu Jan 25 2001 - 13:23:00 PST

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    Dear All,

     I am pleased to announce the


    2nd European Workshop on Advanced Video-based Surveillance Systems

    September 4, 2001
    Kingston upon Thames
    London, UK


    This one-day workshop aims to bring together academic researchers from
    the fields of engineering, computer vision and artificial intelligence
    with industrial developers working in the field of visual surveillance.
    There is a great diversity of scientific problems that must be solved
    including reliable image capture and detection, efficient use of
    communications bandwidth, knowledge acquisition and classification,
    intelligent storage and querying, as well as intelligent interfaces.
    Applications for this technology include transport safety, security of
    public space, crime prevention and commercial analysis. Moreover, some
    projects are designed to deliver an increase in operator efficiency,
    while others are expected to operate autonomously. Particularly
    welcomed in the following areas:

       * Detection and tracking of pedestrians and vehicles
       * Recognition of specific and generic objects
       * Modelling and recognition of actions, gestures and behaviour
       * Coding for low bandwidth systems
       * Fusion of data from multiple sensors
       * Database storage and retrieval of surveillance data
       * System training and learning
       * Context-based video retrieval


       Submission Feb 16th 2001 Five A4 page full length paper
       Notification Apr 13th 2001
       Camera Ready May 25th 2001


       Siemens Corporate Research
       Sarnoff Corporation
       Honeywell Research Center
       Philips Research
       Department of Biophysical and Electronic Engineering, University of
       Digital Imaging Research Centre, Kingston University
       Associazione Italiana per l'Intelligenza Artificiale


       Oral Session on Tracking and Scene Understanding
       Invited Speaker: Prof. Yoshinori Kuno, Saitama University

       Oral Session on Communications and Distributed Processing
       Invited Speaker: Prof. Pramod Varshney, Syracuse University

       Oral Session on Visual Surveillance from an Industrial Perspective
       Invited Speaker: Dr Nikos Paragios, Siemens Corporate Research
       Invited Speaker: Dr Rakesh Kumar, Sarnoff Corporation
       Invited Speaker: Dr Ioannis Pavlidis, Honeywell Laboratories
       Invited Speaker: Dr Thomas Bordsky, Philips Research Centre


       Dr Paolo Remagnino, School of Computing and Information Systems, Kingston
       Prof. Carlo Regazzoni, Department of Biophysical and Electronic
    Engineering, University of Genova
       Dr Nikos Paragios, Imaging and Visualization Department, Siemens
    Corporate Research


       Prof Petri Mahonen, VTT Elektroniika, Finland
       Prof Touradj Ebrahimi, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL)
       Prof Murat Kunt, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL)
       Dr Didier Aubert, French National Institute for Transport and Safety
    Research (INRETS), France
       Dr Cordelia Schmid, French National Institute for Research in Computer
    Science and Control (INRIA), France
       Dr Etienne Mémin, French National Institute for Research in Computer
    Science and Control (INRIA), France
       Prof Ioannis Pitas, University of Thessaloniki, Greece
       Dr Mauro Barni, University of Siena, Italy
       Prof Alberto Broggi, University of Pavia, Italy
       Prof Gian Luca Foresti, University of Udine, Italy
       Prof Fernando Ramos, Aveiro University, Portugal
       Eng. Isabel Martins, Engineering Institute of Porto (ISEP)/INESC Porto,
       Dr Neil Johnson, InfraRed Integrated Systems Ltd, UK
       Dr Tim Ellis, City University, UK
       Dr James Ferryman, University of Reading, UK
       Prof A. Murat Tekalp, University of Rochester, US
       Dr R. Ismail Haritaoglu, University of Maryland, US


     For queries please contact either any of the conference chairs or the
    Workshop secretary

    Dr Graeme A. Jones
    Digital Imaging Research Centre
    School of Computing and Information Systems
    Kingston University,
    Penrhyn Road, Kingston, KT1 2EE
    Email: g.jones@kingston.ac.uk
    Tele: +44 (0)20-8547-7669
    Fax: +44 (0)20-8547-7824
    Web: www.kingston.ac.uk/dirc/

     thank you

     Dr Paolo Remagnino

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