[UAI] InterSymp-2001: Symposium on Learning and Adaptation Systems

From: Alexandru Murgu (murgu@mit.jyu.fi)
Date: Thu Feb 01 2001 - 12:07:28 PST

  • Next message: Richard Dybowski: "[UAI] Machine Learning Journal Special Issue on Fusion of Knowledge with Data: Second Call for Papers"


    13th International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics

                                  July 30 - August 4, 2001

               Markgraf-Ludwig Gymnasium, Hardstrasse 2, Baden-Baden, Germany


        Focus Symposium on:

                "Learning and Adaptation in Stochastic and Statistical Systems"

        Organizer: Dr. Alexandru Murgu, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland


    Symposium Scope and Overview

    The past few years have seen a significant progress of the learning
    and adaptation algorithms and other paradigms for planning,
    optimization and control systems for solving real-life problems. The
    main theme of this symposium is the automatic learning and adaptation
    of the systems occuring in various fields. The acquisition of domain
    specific knowledge and the search for its representations as
    procedural metodology can be obtained by using learning and adaptation
    techniques. In order to discuss the state of the art research and to
    stimulate the cross-fertilisation of the pool of ideas, the
    prospective authors are invited to submit papers on one or more of the
    following aspects:

      o modelling of learning and adaptive operators/agents in stochastic systems;
      o time series modelling and mixture processes in evolutionary learning systems;
      o estimation/filtering/prediction for stochastic/statistical systems;
      o adaptive dynamics of knowledge networking processes;
      o reinforcement learning for conformant and stochastic planning;
      o stochastic programming and mathematical statistics of learning and adaptation
      o stochastic/adaptive control strategies for learning systems;
      o artificial intelligence approaches for cooperative/competitive learning and/or
         adaptation processes.

    In general, the use of any learning and/or adaptation technique (such
    as inductive, supervised, analytic or reference model
    learning/adaptation) for the improvement of stochastic/statistical
    optimization/control systems will be of great interest. New viewpoints
    on the interrelation between these approaches and the integration
    efforts of different classes of methods are highly desired to be the
    special merit of this symposium.

    Paper Submission

    Prospective authors are invited to submit their draft papers (4-5
    single spaced pages) to the Session Chair, Dr. Alexandru Murgu
    (address given below) by MARCH 1, 2001. The first page of the draft
    paper should include: title of the paper, name, affiliation, postal
    address, telephone number, fax and E-mail address of each author. The
    first page should also include the name of the contact author for
    notification of acceptance and a list of maximum of 5 keywords. The
    length of the camera ready papers (if accepted) will be limited to 7
    pages. Papers must not have been previously published or currently
    submitted for publication elsewhere.

    Electronic submission is preferred. Papers can be submitted via e-mail
    or made available on the web. In both cases, documents should be in
    ZIPPED PostScript or PDF format and be named "author.zip", using the
    name of the contact author. An e-mail message containing either the
    file or its URL address (e.g. http://....../author.zip) should reach
    the Session Chair before March 1, 2001. If electronic submission is
    not possible, three hard copies should reach the Session Chair by the
    same date. Notice that the final version of accepted papers must be
    made available in PostScript, PDF, or source form.

    If you are interesting in presenting your work in one of the above
    areas, please send the draft paper(s) and the abstract(s) of about 200
    words to

                                    Dr. Alexandru Murgu
                    Department of Mathematical Information Technology
                       University of Jyvaskyla, FIN-40351 Jyvaskyla

                                    Tel. +358-14-2602757
                                    Fax. +358-14-2602731

    The postscript / ASCII format of the paper sent to
    <murgu@julia.math.jyu.fi> would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to
    distributed this call for papers to your friends and colleagues.

    Review Process and Conference Proceedings

    All submitted papers and abstracts will be peer reviewed. The papers
    have to provide sufficient information about the background to the
    problem, clearly indicate the original contribution, evaluate the
    results, draw conclusions and provide the adequate
    references. Accepted papers are expected to be presented at the

    Important Dates

         Abstract or paper submission: March 1, 2001
         Acceptance notification: April 1, 2001
         Final manuscript: May 1, 2001

    Additional information concerning the conference organization and the
    registration documents can be obtained at the following web address:



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