[UAI] cfp: Issues in the Design and Experimental Evaluation of Systems for Modal and Temporal Logics

From: Carola Dori (dori@itc.it)
Date: Fri Feb 16 2001 - 10:42:05 PST

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                              IJCAR workshop on

             Issues in the Design and Experimental Evaluation of
                    Systems for Modal and Temporal Logics


                           Siena, June 18-19, 2001

    The aim of this workshop is to bring together people who are
    interested in the development and experimental evaluation of systems
    for modal, temporal and description logics. The emphasis of the
    workshop is on the identification of open problems and the discussion
    of possible solutions under the theme:
    - - - Which are the key issues in the design of modal and temporal systems?
    - - - What is a good benchmark set?
    - - - What is a good comparative evaluation?

    The workshop will consist of three parts on each of these questions,
    with invited speaker starting the discussion followed by contributions
    from the participants. An overall panel will conclude the
    workshop. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to)
    - - - Tableaux vs Translations Methods
    - - - SAT-based vs BDD-based techniques
    - - - Running Time vs Scaling abilities
    - - - Random Benchmarks vs Industrial Case Studies

    Submissions are encouraged in one of the following two categories:
    A. Regular paper: Submissions in this category should describe
       completed work or work in progress, including description of
       researches, testing methodologies, tools, and applications. The
       length of submitted papers should be no more than 10 pages in LNCS
    B. Discussion paper: Submissions in this category are intended to
       initiate discussions. They should address controversial issues and
       may include bold provocative statements on the above themes. The
       length of papers should be no more than 5 pages in LNCS style.

    Submissions should be prepared following the LNCS guidelines and sent
    in postscript format by e-mail to Enrico Giunchiglia (subject:
    IJCAR-workshop Submission). The category (either A or B) must be
    clearly indicated. Please include also address and e-mail of the
    contact author into the submission e-mail.

    Accepted papers will be distribuited as part of the workshop working
    notes. Some of the papers might be published in a special issue of an
    international journal (to be confirmed, check the web site).

    Participation will be open to authors, the invited speakers and the
    people in the PC. If you wish to attend without presenting a paper,
    please send a brief e-mail to Enrico Giunchiglia (subject:
    IJCAR-workshop participation) with a brief summary of your research
    interests. Note that all participants must register to IJCAR.

    Program Committee
    A. Biere (ETH, Zurich)
    E. Giunchiglia (U. Genova, Organiser)
    F. Giunchiglia (U. Trento)
    I. Gent (U. St. Andrews)
    I. Horrocks (U. Manchester)
    F. Massacci (U. Siena)

    Important dates
    Submission deadline: April 1, 2001
    Notification of acceptance: April 30, 2001
    Final version due: May 13, 2001
    Early registration: to be announced

    Further Infos
    For up-to-date information, see the workshop web site
    or contact Enrico Giunchiglia (subject: IJCAR-workshop infos).

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