[UAI] IDA-2001 Announcement

From: Frank Hoeppner (hoeppner@et-inf.fho-emden.de)
Date: Tue Feb 20 2001 - 09:15:06 PST

  • Next message: Eric Horvitz: "[UAI] RE: Any work on anytime belief/decision nets?"

    Please forward this CFP to your colleagues who might be interested in

                            Call for Paper IDA-2001

          Fourth International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis
                       New University of Lisbon, Portugal
                            13th-15th September 2001

    Call for papers
      IDA-2001 will take place in Lisbon from 13th to 15th September 2001,
    and is organised by the Department of Computer Science of the Faculty
    of Science and Technology of the New University of Lisbon. It will
    consist of a stimulating program of tutorials, invited talks by leading
    international experts in intelligent data analysis, contributed papers,
    poster sessions, and an exciting social program.
      Our aim is for IDA-2001 to bring together a wide variety of re-
    searchers concerned with extracting knowledge from data, including
    people from statistics, machine learning, neural networks, computer
    science, pattern recognition, database management, and other areas. The
    strategies adopted by people from these areas are often different, and
    a synergy results if this is recognised. IDA-2001 is intended to
    stimulate interaction between these different areas, so that more
    powerful tools emerge for extracting knowledge from data and a better
    understanding is developed of the process of intelligent data analysis.

    It is the fourth symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis after the
    successful symposia in 1999 (Amsterdam), 1997 (London) and 1995 (Baden-

    IDA-2001 Organisation
    General Chair: Doug Fisher, Vanderbilt University, USA
    Program Chair: David Hand, Imperial College, UK
    Conference Chair: Gabriela Guimaraes, New University Lisbon,Portugal

    Important Dates
    April, 23rd, 2001 Deadline for submitting papers
    June, 4th, 2001 Notification of acceptance
    July, 4th, 2001 Deadline for submission of final papers

      The proceedings will be published in the Lecture Notes in Computer
    Science series of Springer (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/). The
    proceedings of Intelligent Data Analysis 97 and 99 appeared in this
    series as LNCS 1280 and LNCS 1642. (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/

    Additional Information
      A list of topics of interest, guidelines for submissions, and infor-
    mation about the conference-site will shortly be available on the con-
    ference web site:


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