[UAI] Re: Any work on anytime belief/decision nets?

From: Haipeng Guo (hpguo@cis.ksu.edu)
Date: Tue Feb 20 2001 - 09:14:18 PST

  • Next message: Bruce D'Ambrosio: "[UAI] RE: Any work on anytime belief/decision nets?"

    Please take a look at this paper:

    "An Anytime Algorithm for Causal Inference", Peter Spirtes Department of
    Philosophy Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh

    - -hpguo
    KDD Lab, CIS Dept., KSU

    On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, Briggs, Will wrote:

    > Hi,
    > Is there any work (esp. a recent survey paper!) on anytime belief or
    > decision networks? Or the same for parallel machines. I have an undergrad
    > who wants to do this; it's not really my area; I want to see what already
    > exists.
    > Thanks for all,
    > Will Briggs
    > Lynchburg College
    > briggs_w@mail.lynchburg.edu

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