Add/delete node state to/from an existing bayesian network

From: ruan tong (
Date: Thu Feb 22 2001 - 22:21:35 PST

  • Next message: Víctor Maojo: "ISMDA 2001-Call for papers"


            I wonder how to add a new value to an exsisitng network. That
    is, a node has 15 state, and as time grows, it has 16 state or, has 14
    values, how to descirbe such kind of suituation.
            Besides, how to simplify a network (descrease node state) if
    the conditional probability of some node state is always zero? Is it
    possible that just delete it? If it is, when the conditional
    probility of some node state is very very small, can it be dealed with
    as the zero suitation?
            Thank you in advance.


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