JAIR: Speeding Up the Convergence ....

From: Steve Minton (Steve.Minton@fetch.com)
Date: Tue Feb 27 2001 - 11:02:57 PST

  • Next message: Jean-Louis Vercher: "[UAI] Conference announcement (Marseille 2001)"

    Readers of this list may be interested in the following article that was
    just published in JAIR:

    Zhang, N.L. and Zhang, W. (2001)
      "Speeding Up the Convergence of Value Iteration in Partially Observable
     Decision Processes", Volume 14, pages 29-51.

       Available in HTML, PDF, PostScript and compressed PostScript.
       For quick access via your WWW browser, use this URL:
       More detailed instructions are below.

       Abstract: Partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) have
       recently become popular among many AI researchers because they serve
       as a natural model for planning under uncertainty. Value iteration is
       a well-known algorithm for finding optimal policies for POMDPs. It
       typically takes a large number of iterations to converge. This paper
       proposes a method for accelerating the convergence of value iteration.
       The method has been evaluated on an array of benchmark problems and
       was found to be very effective: It enabled value iteration to converge
       after only a few iterations on all the test problems.

    The article is available via:

     -- comp.ai.jair.papers (also see comp.ai.jair.announce)

     -- World Wide Web: The URL for our World Wide Web server is
        For direct access to this article and related files try:

     -- Anonymous FTP from either of the two sites below.

        Carnegie-Mellon University (USA):
        The University of Genoa (Italy):

        The compressed PostScript file is named zhang01a.ps.Z (138K)

    For more information about JAIR, visit our WWW or FTP sites, or
    contact jair-ed@isi.edu

    Steven Minton
    CTO, Fetch Technologies (www.fetch.com)

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