[UAI] Knowledge and Information Systems: 3(1) and 3(2), 2001 (contents)

From: Xindong Wu (xwu@gauss.Mines.EDU)
Date: Thu Mar 01 2001 - 12:24:27 PST

  • Next message: William H. Hsu: "[UAI] FINAL CFP: IJCAI-01 Workshop - KDD Enhancement Wrappers"

         Knowledge and Information Systems: An International Journal

                       ISSN: 0219-1377 (printed version)
                     ISSN: 0219-3116 (electronic version)
                              by Springer-Verlag

               Home Page: http://kais.mines.edu/~kais/home.html

    I. Volume 3, Number 1 (February 2001)
    - -------------------------------------

    Regular Papers

     - Parallel Data Mining for Association Rules on Shared-Memory Systems
       by Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Mohammed J. Zaki, Mitsunori Ogihara,
       and Wei Li
       URL link.springer.de/link/service/journals/10115/bibs/1003001/10030001.htm
     - On Similarity Measures for Multimedia Database Applications
       by K. Selcuk Candan and Wen-Syan Li
       URL link.springer.de/link/service/journals/10115/bibs/1003001/10030030.htm
     - Representing and Reasoning on Database Conceptual Schemas
       by Mohand-Said Hacid, Jean-Marc Petit and Farouk Toumani
       URL link.springer.de/link/service/journals/10115/bibs/1003001/10030052.htm
     - Fuzzy User Modeling for Information Retrieval on the World Wide Web
       by Robert I. John and Gabrielle J. Mooney
       URL link.springer.de/link/service/journals/10115/bibs/1003001/10030081.htm
     - An Artificial Network Simulating Cause-to-Effect Reasoning:
       Cancellation Interactions and Numerical Studies
       by L. Ben Romdhane, B. Ayeb, and S. Wang
       URL link.springer.de/link/service/journals/10115/bibs/1003001/10030096.htm

    Short Papers

     - Zipf's Law for Web Surfers
       by Mark Levene, Jose Borges and George Loizou
       URL link.springer.de/link/service/journals/10115/bibs/1003001/10030120.htm

    II. Volume 3, Number 2 (May 2001)
    - ---------------------------------

    Regular Papers

     - Making Use of the Most Expressive Jumping Emerging Patterns for
       by Jinyan Li, Guozhu Dong, and Kotagiri Ramamohanarao
     - A Description Length Based Decision Criterion for Default Knowledge
       in the Ripple Down Rules Method
       by Takuya Wada, Tadashi Horiuchi, Hiroshi Motoda and Takashi Washio
     - Multipass Algorithms for Mining Association Rules in Text Databases
       by J.D. Holt and S.M. Chung
     - C-Net: A Method for Generating Non-Deterministic and Dynamic
       Multi-Variate Decision Trees
       by H.A. Abbass, M. Towsey, and G. Finn
     - A Hybrid Fragmentation Approach for Distributed Deductive Database
       by Seung-Jin Lim and Yiu-Kai Ng
     - ActiveCBR: An Agent System that Integrates Case-based Reasoning and
       Active Databases
       by Sheng Li and Qiang Yang

    Short Papers

     - XML Indexing and Retrieval with a Hybrid Storage Model
       by Dongwook Shin

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