Fifth International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent
Information Engineering Systems and Allied Technologies
September 6-8, 2001
Osaka-Kyoiku University, Osaka, Japan
Focus Symposium on:
Fuzzy Multiobjective Programming and Evolutionary Games
Organizer: Dr. Alexandru Murgu, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Scope and Overview
The theme of this symposium is the bridging of the gap between the
standard tools in mathematical programming used in the solution of
life decision-making problems and the flexible formulations which
handle the uncertainty by considering a probability versus possibility
viewpoint combined with the evolutionary approaches. The additive
models of probability theory received a full development within
statistics being justified in the presence of ill-known coefficients
in linear relations of statistical variability. In the fuzzy system
tradition, the objective functions and corresponding constraints are
of the same nature. For example, the fuzzy linear programming
combines the soft constraints and graded sensitivity analysis with
incompletely known coefficients.
The solutions obtained by using fuzzy multiobjective programming
models can be ranked according to a degree of rationality which is
useful for characterizing the behaviour prediction of the investigated
system or process (i.e., economical growth, biological evolution,
population dynamics, etc.). The system evolution can be tracked in
terms of the evolutionary pressure against various types of behaviours
which are considered irrational. If the pressure against one type of
irrationality is weak, the pressures against other types of
irrationality may lead the system to an equilibrium before the
pressure against the first type of irrationality has a chance to have
any effect. This situation is typical for evolutionary processes with
a strong stochastic component.
In order to stimulate the discussions of ideas along the above lines
of thinking, the prospective authors are invited to submit papers on
one or more of the following aspects:
- multiobjective programming under uncertainty;
- interactive decision-making for multiobjective programming problems with
fuzzy parameters;
- multiobjective fuzzy linear programming problems;
- fuzzy dynamic regression and scenario analysis;
- fuzzy approximation models for stochastic programming problems;
- fuzzy evolutionary game strategies;
- fuzzy discrete time replicator/selection dynamics;
- fuzzy replicator of multipopulation dynamic games;
- fuzzy replication by imitation/contamination games;
- invariance and stationarity of fuzzy interval mappings;
- applications: transportation networks, telecommunication networks, economics,
biology, population dynamics.
Novel approaches and viewpoints on the specific interrelations and the
integration efforts of different classes of methods are highly
Paper Submission
Prospective authors are invited to submit their draft papers (4-5
single spaced pages) to the Session Chair, Dr. Alexandru Murgu
(address given below) by MAY 1, 2001. The first page of the draft
paper should include: title of the paper, name, affiliation, postal
address, phone number, fax and E-mail address of each author. The
first page should also include the name of the contact author for
notification of acceptance, and a list of maximum of 5 keywords. The
length of the camera ready papers will be limited to 8 pages. Papers
must not have been previously published or currently submitted for
publication elsewhere.
Electronic submission is highly preferred. Papers could be submitted
via e-mail as ZIPPED PostScript or PDF documents and be named
"", using the name of the contact author to the Session
Chair until May 1, 2001. If electronic submission is not possible,
four hard copies must reach the Session Chair by the same date.
Notice that the final version of accepted papers must be in
PostScript, PDF, or source form.
If you are interesting in presenting your work in one of the above
areas, please send the draft paper(s) and the abstract(s) of maximum
100 words to
Dr. Alexandru Murgu
Department of Mathematical Information Technology
University of Jyvaskyla, FIN-40351 Jyvaskyla
Tel. +358-14-2602757
Fax. +358-14-2602731
The postscript / ASCII format of the paper sent to
<> would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to
distributed this call for papers to your friends and colleagues.
Review Process
All submitted papers and abstracts will be peer reviewed. The papers
have to provide sufficient information about the background of the
problem, indicating the original contribution, results, conclusions
and providing the adequate references. The accepted papers are
expected to be presented at the KES-2001 conference.
Important Dates
Abstract or paper submission: May 1, 2001
Acceptance notification: June 1, 2001
Final manuscript: June 15, 2001
Additional information on the conference organization and registration
documents can be obtained at the following web address:
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