[UAI] Postdoc position

From: Yang Xiang (yxiang@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.ca)
Date: Mon Apr 02 2001 - 10:19:06 PDT

  • Next message: Kevin S. Van Horn: "Re: [UAI] confidence estimates for EM"

    Applications are invited for a Post-Doctoral Fellow position in

    Intelligent Decision Support System Laboratory
    Department of Computing & Information Science
    University of Guelph
    Guelph, Ontario

    The fellowship is for one-year with possibile renewal.
    The successful applicant will work on probabilistic reasoning
    and decision making with graphical models, multi-agent
    reasoning using belief networks, and learning probabilistic or
    causal graphical models. Both theoretical research and applied
    research are involved, including prototype system implementations.
    Current research activities in the Intelligent Decision Support
    System Laboratory can be found at


    Candidates should have a Ph.D. in computer science or equivalent.
    Previous research background in probabilistic graphical models
    and belief networks is essential. Candidates with research
    experience on distributed and multiagent systems are preferred.
    Experience with large software development in C++ or Java is
    highly desirable.

    Please send a CV, a description of research interest highlighting
    the qualifications relevant to the above research activities, two
    recent publications, and a list of references with e-mail addresses to

    Prof. Y. Xiang
    Dept. Computing & Information Science
    University of Guelph
    Guelph, Ontario
    Canada N1G 2W1

    E-mail: yxiang@cis.uoguelph.ca
    Tel: (519) 824-4120 ext. 2824
    Fax: (519) 837-0323

    Electronic submissions in plain text, Postscript, PDF or Word are
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