[UAI] Lectureship at Bristol (UK)

From: J Lawry (J.Lawry@bristol.ac.uk)
Date: Tue Apr 10 2001 - 07:52:15 PDT

  • Next message: Ning Zhong: "[UAI] IEEE Data Mining 2001: Call for Workshop Proposals"

    Lectureship in the Department of Engineering Mathematics

    Applications are invited for a 5 year Lectureship in the Department of
    Engineering Mathematics, University of Bristol, United Kingdom.
    Candidates should have an excellent track record in a research area
    complementing the departments main research interests. These inlude
    those of the Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence
    groups in the department.

    The Artificial Intelligence Research Group

    The Artificial Intelligence group has an international reputation for
    the development and use of innovative methods for handling uncertainty
    in real-world AI applications. Current research includes theories and
    applications of logic programming, reasoning with uncertainty, imprecise
    probabilities, modelling with words, fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic. For
    more information on the Artificial Intelligence group please visit:

    The Computational Intelligence group

    The research of the Computational Intelligence group centres on
    sub-symbolic approaches to machine intelligence. On the theoretical
    side interests include statistical learning theory, support vector
    machines, neural networks and the design of learning algorithms.
    Applications include applying these methods to medical decision
    support, bioinformatics and machine vision datasets. For more
    information on the Computational Intelligence group please visit:

    The Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence groups are
    part of the University's Advanced Computing Research Centre (ACRC).

    The department runs its own degree programmes in Engineering
    Mathematics and Mathematics for Intelligent Systems in addition to
    providing mathematical, AI and theoretical computer science courses
    for undergraduate and masters degree programmes across the Faculty.
    The department achieved a score of 5 (research quality of
    international excellence) in the last Research Assessment Exercise and
    23/24 for the HEFCE TQA assessment of its courses.

    For more information on this position and details of how to apply
    please visit the following web page:


    For more information on research and life at Bristol please visit the
    following web pages:

       Artificial Intelligence Group: http://www.enm.bris.ac.uk/ai

       Computational Intelligence group: http://lara.enm.bris.ac.uk/~cig

       Department of Engineering Mathematics: http://www.enm.bris.ac.uk

       Faculty of Engineering: http://www.fen.bris.ac.uk

       University of Bristol: http://www.bris.ac.uk

    Dr Jonathan Lawry,
    AI Group,
    Dept. Engineering Mathematics,
    University of Bristol,
    Queens Building,
    University Walk,
    Bristol, BS8 1TR, UK

    Tel:+44 117 928 8184

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