[UAI] Summer School / Visiting Position in Graphical Models

From: PhL (philippe.leray@insa-rouen.fr)
Date: Thu Apr 12 2001 - 13:26:21 PDT

  • Next message: Christian Balkenius: "[UAI] CFP EUROBOT 01 New deadline Apr 30"

    Hi !

    Do you know if a summer school on graphical models, variational
    methods, etc... is organized this year ?

    I would like to use " intelligently " this summer to work seriously on
    these subjects ... so I'm also interested in visiting and work in a
    lab this summer (my lab could also invite a visiting professor the
    next summer)

    If you have some informations about a summer school or if you are interested
    by my offer, please let me know.

    Details of my search activities are available on demand by e-mail.

    Philippe Leray
    Associate Professor - National Institute of Applied Sciences - Rouen, France
    Department of Information Systems Engineering
    PSI (Perception, Systems, Information) Lab
    BNT French Site: http://servasi.insa-rouen.fr/enseignement/siteUV/rna/BNT/

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