[UAI] Safety in AI decision making and planning systems

From: John Fox (jf@acl.icnet.uk)
Date: Tue Apr 24 2001 - 10:10:39 PDT

  • Next message: Peter Lucas: "[UAI] last CFP: Bayesian Models in Medicine"

    Dear Dr. Cesta

    May I draw your attention to a recent book with Subrata Das "Safe and Sound:
    Artificial Intelligence in Hazardous Applications" which was published in
    July 2000 by AAAI Press and MIT Press (foreword by Herb Simon). The book
    brings a range of ideas and techniques from knowledge based systems and
    software engineering together with methods from logic programming and AI
    planning. I am taking the liberty of writing because the book also discusses
    the potential risks as well as benefits of AI technologies and argues that
    quality and safety are critical research issues for our field. A summary

    I apologise for duplicate postings

    John Fox


    Safe and Sound: Artificial Intelligence in Hazardous Applications

    By John Fox and Subrata Das

    Jointly published by AAAI and MIT Press, July 2000

    326 pp., references, index, illus., $40.00 hardcover
    ISBN 0-262-06211-9

    Computer science and artificial intelligence are increasingly used in
    hazardous and uncertain situations where small faults or errors can spell
    human catastrophe. This book describes a technology for supporting sound
    decision-making and safe process management from the perspectives of the
    practical software developer and theoretical AI. It champions the
    achievements of the logic programming community, and the role of logic and
    logic programming as uniquely powerful tools for addressing such important
    and difficult problems.

    The book grew out of a programme of research into AI and “cognitive”
    functions like reasoning, problem solving, decision-making and planning.
    These are well-established research topics but the programme described here
    is unusual in its focus on the integration of these functions into a unified
    model for building intelligent agents, and in the need to measure success in
    practical as well as theoretical terms. The book contains many examples of
    real-world applications in medical decision making and care planning.

    In many respects Fox and Das’ approach instantiates current ideas in the
    logic programming community on logical agents and shows how such agents can
    be put to practical use. Although the application focus is medicine, the
    method and many of the underlying ideas can be applied to many other
    application domains. Building practical software agents may seem to require
    a purely engineering solution, but some of the medical challenges demanded
    new concepts and new computational techniques to capture and support the
    ideas. Logic and logic programming provided the necessary theory and tools.

    The authors were attracted to logic programming for a number of reasons.
    First, working in a cancer research institute the applications they were
    building were to be used in real patient care – and were therefore
    safety-critical. From the beginning they were interested in design tools
    that had a sufficiently strong formal foundation that they could provide
    some guarantees of quality and integrity. It seemed to them that the
    development of software using the concepts, formalisms, methods, results and
    technologies that have emerged from the study of mathematical logic as a
    computational paradigm had to be a good thing. The result is PROforma, a
    logic-based agent specification language and a powerful and intuitive
    development environment for designing and testing applications of logical

    The book is divided into three parts, dealing with the motivation and
    development of the PROforma method, a discussion of safety issues and the
    role of logic in addressing them, and formalities. The first two parts are
    written in an informal style, beginning with the medical background and
    motivations, technical challenges, and solutions, before turning to a
    wide-ranging discussion of intelligent and autonomous agents, with
    particular reference to safety and hazard management. The final part
    provides a detailed discussion of the PROforma language and knowledge
    representation and other aspects of the agent model developed in the book,
    along with a rigorous formal treatment of the model grounded in classical an
    d non-classical logics.

    The authors believe that there are reasons to be optimistic that logic
    programming is due for a resurgence of interest in the practical world, not
    least because complex software is increasingly reaching into technical
    realms that are mission- and safety-critical. If this is so then Fox and Das
    ’ contribution provides considerable evidence of its practical power in a
    field that directly affects all of us, and proposes a set of engineering
    techniques that could bring logic programming to a much wider audience.

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