[UAI] DiaMondSUG 2001 - IMPORTANT - Register Today for The Deal of the Century

From: OliviaRud@aol.com
Date: Fri Apr 27 2001 - 11:10:17 PDT

  • Next message: Yukio Osawa: "[UAI] KES2001 Chance Discovery session: DL extended"

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    Hello Fellow Data Miners,

    Remember San Francisco?? This one is going to be even better!!

    Chicago 5/29, 5/30, 6/1

    We have exciting keynotes plus 30+ quality presentations WITH PAPERS - all on
    data mining and data warehousing! Other conferences charge twice as much for
    half the content and quality.

    Here's the deal - we need you to register today!! We are extending the early
    registration bonus until May 4th. The registration bonus is a $50 SAS gift
    certificate for a SAS publication. We are sweetening the offer. If you
    register by May 4th, you can choose between a $35 discount, a $50 SAS gift
    certificate OR a signed copy of my new book, Data Mining Cookbook (a $49.99
    value). When you fax or send your registration, please note on the sheet
    which of these three offers you would like!

    If you have already registered and would like to take advantage of this new
    offer, please contact me at oliviarud@aol.com.

    IMPORTANT - we have received complaints that the Sheraton has been telling
    people that there are no rooms at the $169 rate. If that has happened to you,
    please contact me. I will get you the room at the correct rate. If you
    haven't reserved a room, please do so TODAY. They have corrected the problem
    (please let me know if you have any problems getting the rate). Our block is
    being held until 4/29. We are going to try to get it extended. But just in
    case, book your room today!!! Call 312 329-7000 and ask for reservations for
    the SAS Data Mining Users Group for the dates above.

    If you are not attending because of budget cuts, please send me an email with
    the words 'Budget Cuts - Can't Attend' in the Subject line. I would
    appreciate knowing how many people have been affected.

    This is going to be a terrific conference with many great speakers! You can
    also share ideas with other data miners in the industry.

    Go to our website www.diamondsug.com (we are nonprofit) to get the
    registration info and view the abstracts.

    See you in the Windy City!!

    Best regards,
    President, DiaMondSUG

    C. Olivia Parr Rud
    Author, Data Mining Cookbook (Wiley)
    Executive Vice President
    Data Square, LLC

    www.datasquare.com (company info)
    www.dataminingcookbook.com (book info)

    428 Barker Drive, Suite 200
    West Chester, PA 19380
    610 918-3801

    'Some people change when they feel the heat. Others change when they see the
    light!' Corvis

    "True power is the ability to relinquish control"
                                    C. O. Parr

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