[UAI] JAIR: Nonapproximability for POMDPs

From: Judy Goldsmith (goldsmit@cs.uky.edu)
Date: Thu May 10 2001 - 10:43:22 PDT

  • Next message: Rina Dechter: "Re: [UAI] how to evaluate approximate algorithms when exact solution is not available?"

    Readers of this list may be interested in the following article that was
    just published in JAIR:

    Lusena, C., Goldsmith, J. and Mundhenk, M. (2001)
      "Nonapproximability Results for Partially Observable Markov Decision
       Volume 14, pages 83-103.

       Available in PDF, PostScript and compressed PostScript.
       For quick access via your WWW browser, use this URL:
       More detailed instructions are below.

       Abstract: We show that for several variations of partially observable
       Markov decision processes, polynomial-time algorithms for finding
       control policies are unlikely to or simply don't have guarantees of
       finding policies within a constant factor or a constant summand of
       optimal. Here ``unlikely'' means ``unless some complexity classes
       collapse,'' where the collapses considered are P=NP, P=PSPACE, or
       P=EXP. Until or unless these collapses are shown to hold, any
       control-policy designer must choose between such performance
       guarantees and efficient computation.

    The article is available via:
     -- comp.ai.jair.papers (also see comp.ai.jair.announce)

     -- World Wide Web: The URL for our World Wide Web server is
        For direct access to this article and related files try:

     -- Anonymous FTP from either of the two sites below.

        Carnegie-Mellon University (USA):
        The University of Genoa (Italy):

        The compressed PostScript file is named lusena01a.ps.Z (247K)

    For more information about JAIR, visit our WWW or FTP sites, or
    contact jair-ed@isi.edu

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