[UAI] FUZZ-IEEE Workshop on Modelling with Words

From: J Lawry (J.Lawry@bristol.ac.uk)
Date: Mon May 14 2001 - 21:12:12 PDT

  • Next message: Gordon Hazen: "Re: [UAI] how to evaluate approximate algorithms when exact solution is not available?"

                           Second call for papers

               *FUZZ-IEEE 2001 Workshop on Modelling with Words,*
               * Melbourne, Australia, Dec. 2001 *

    This workshop will provide a forum to share research on the emerging field
    of "modelling with words", a field at the intersection of fuzzy
    information granulation and machine learning. This field has built upon
    the computing with words paradigm originally introduced by Zadeh to
    capture the idea of computation based on linguistic terms rather than
    numerical quantities. However, where computing with words has focused on
    inference from linguistic knowledge bases, the focus of modelling with
    words has been in acquiring/learning such models. One of the
    distinguishing features of this new field is that it decomposes
    information spaces into imprecise regions or fuzzy granules that are
    subsequently used to model systems. These models may either be learnt from
    example data or provided by human experts or a combination of both. In
    fact, the fusion of these sources of information plays a central role in
    modelling with words. Typically, the acquired systems aggregate the
    granular information using probabilistic or fuzzy logic reasoning

    Recent work has demonstrated (with approaches such as fuzzy decision
    trees, Cartesian granule feature modelling, weighted rules and fuzzy
    prototyping) that the modelling with words paradigm enhances both model
    tractability and transparency on the one hand and generalisation power on
    the other. To-date, however, this work has typically been limited to small
    world problems (with tens of features/attributes/variables). One of the
    key challenges that lies ahead for this paradigm is the issue of
    scalability to large problem domains (such as text categorisation). In
    scaling these approaches, how can transparency be maintained and possibly
    enhanced? The need to model larger scale and more complex systems in a
    transparent way necessitates the development of feature selection
    techniques as well as other methods of finding appropriate sub-models and
    then combining them. Other issues that need further research include which
    words can be used to partition information spaces? Are there limits on the
    granularity? How can granular models be merged? Can this paradigm
    accommodate incremental learning? What is the best formal framework for
    learning and representing linguistic models?

    It is hoped that the submissions to this workshop will address these and
    other issues that provide not only a challenge for the paradigm modelling
    with words, but also an interesting future for this field. Both
    theoretical and applied contributions are welcome (examples of problem
    domains include information retrieval, computer vision, decision support
    systems, profiling etc.)

    Invited Speakers include Paul P Wang (Duke University) and Qiang Shen
    (University of Edinburgh)

    Extended Abstract Submission: June 1, 2001
    Notification of Acceptance: August 1, 2001
    Final Paper Submission Due: September 1, 2001
    Workshop Dates: December 2/3, 2001

    Please follow the guidelines for paper submission
    outlined by IEEE at http://www.ieee.org/. Final paper submissions must not
    exceed 6 printed pages, including all figures and tables.

    Papers should be sent in postscript or pdf format to either
    j.lawry@bris.ac.uk or Shanahan@xrce.xerox.com. Alternatively, hard copies
    should be sent to either of the organisers at the addresses shown below

    A Special Issue of the journal Information Sciences is planned consisting
    of extended versions of selected papers from the workshop.

    Organizing and Program Committee
    Jonathan Lawry
    Department of Engineering Mathematics University of Bristol, BS8 1TR, UK
    E-mail: J.Lawry@bris.ac.uk Tel: +44-117-9288184
    Fax: +44-117-9251154

    James G. Shanahan
    Xerox Research Centre Europe (XRCE) Grenoble Laboratory
    6 chemin de Maupteruis, 38240 Meylan, France e-mail:
    Shanahan@xrce.xerox.com Tel: +33-476-615113 Fax: +33-476-615099

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