[UAI] Knowledge and Information Systems: Vol 3 No 3, August 2001

From: Xindong Wu (xwu@gauss.Mines.EDU)
Date: Fri May 18 2001 - 14:45:19 PDT

  • Next message: Kathryn Blackmond Laskey: "Re: [UAI] how to evaluate approximate algorithms when exact solution is not available?"

         Knowledge and Information Systems: An International Journal

                      ISSN: 0219-1377 (printed version)
                    ISSN: 0219-3116 (electronic version)
                             by Springer-Verlag

              Home Page: http://kais.mines.edu/~kais/home.html

    Volume 3, Number 3, August 2001

    Regular Papers

     - Dimensionality Reduction for Fast Similarity Search in Large Time
       Series Databases
       by Eamonn Keogh, Kaushik Chakrabarti, Michael Pazzani, and Sharad
     - Temporal Defeasible Reasoning
       by Juan C. Augusto and Guillermo R. Simari
     - Efficient Graph-Based Algorithms for Discovering and Maintaining
       Association Rules in Large Databases
       by Guanling Lee, K.L. Lee and Arbee L.P. Chen
     - Generalized Affinity-Based Association Rule Mining for Multimedia
       Database Queries
       by Mei-Ling Shyu, Shu-Ching Chen, and R.L. Kashyap
     - Discovering Text Databases with Neural Nets
       by Yong S. Choi

    Short Papers

     - SAFE: An Efficient Feature Extraction Technique
       by U. Maulik, S. Bandyopadhyay and J.C. Trinder

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