[UAI] Attribute relevance in Naive Bayes models.

From: Dmitry Rusakov (rusakov@cs.technion.ac.il)
Date: Fri Jun 01 2001 - 14:37:34 PDT

  • Next message: Ning Zhong: "[UAI] IEEE Data Mining 2001: Final Call for Papers"

    Hi all,

    I was inspired by the recent discussion on degree of relevance in
    Bayesian models. Is there any work on deciding on attribute
    relevance/irrelevance for clustering via Naive Bayes models?
    As an example consider two competing Naive Bayes models
    model 1: on nodes H (hidden) and A1, A2, A3
      |/ V \|
     A1 A2 A3
    and model 2: same nodes, with distribution of A3 being independent of H
      |/ V
     A1 A2 A3

    Now, if by some model selection mechanism (e.g. BIC) we prefer model 2
    over model 1 then
    attribute A3 is irrelevant.
    Is there any work in this direction?

    Another question: What are the common methods for deciding the number of
    classes (hidden states) in Naive Bayes models? Had someone tried to do
    it by the model selection procedures (e.g. compare two models with
    different number of hidden states)?

    Thank you in advance,

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