[UAI] CP2001 Call for Tutorial Proposals

From: Ian Miguel (ianm@cs.york.ac.uk)
Date: Thu Jun 07 2001 - 13:06:51 PDT

  • Next message: Ian Miguel: "[UAI] CP2001 Call for Workshop Proposals"

    Apologies if you receive this more than once:

    The CP'2001 Program Committee invites proposals for the Tutorial
    Program to be held in Cyprus. Tutorials will take place during the
    technical program.

    CP'2001 tutorials are ideally targeted at the whole constraint
    community and should give a state of the art description of a field of
    research related to constraint programming or of a large area of
    application. Tutorials may address theoretical and/or practical aspect
    of constraint solving. Typical subjects, without any limitation are:
    numerical CSP, global constraints, n-ary constraints, soft
    constraints, mathematical programming, dynamic programming and
    constraints, cooperation between methods, local search,
    functional/concurrent/logic constraint programming, areas of
    application (eg. bioinformatics)...

    Important Dates for Tutorials

                August 31, 2001: Proposal submission deadline
                September 14, 2001: Acceptance notification
                October 15, 2001: Deadline for tutorial notes
                November 26-30, 2001: CP technical program and tutorials

    More information on http://www.inra.fr/bia/T/schiex/cfwp.html

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