[UAI] Postdoc Positions in Amsterdam

From: Maarten de Rijke (mdr@science.uva.nl)
Date: Sun Jun 17 2001 - 14:57:46 PDT

  • Next message: Maarten de Rijke: "PhD Positions in Amsterdam"

    [Apologies for multiple copies]

    Two Postdoc Positions in the Computational and Applied Logic Group

    Institute for Logic, Language and Computation
    Universiteit van Amsterdam

    The Computational and Applied Logic Group at the University of Amsterdam is
    searching for highly motivated candidates with a PhD in computer science,
    computational linguistics, or a related discipline, for two postdoc
    positions, one in each of the following research areas:

     o computational logic (with an emphasis on implementation and evaluation
       of automated reasoning systems)

     o natural language processing (with an emphasis on logic-based approaches
       to information retrieval tasks such as question-answering, navigation,
       and summarization)

    Applicants should have a demonstrated capacity or potential to conduct
    research in computational logic and/or natural language processing.
    Desirable criteria for both positions are: relevant industrial experience;
    a record of project-based work; ability to supervise and inspire PhD

    These positions are funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific
    Research and the University of Amsterdam, as part of the `Pionier' project
    `Computing with Meaning.' This is an interdisciplinary project aimed at
    identifying and using meaningful information in natural language texts.
    The project will experiment with computational logic architectures that can
    handle linguistic information structures at various levels of detail; this
    involves new systems of flexible logics and algorithms, suitably combined.
    The project has a generous equipment and travel budget. Please consult
    http://www.science.uva.nl/~mdr/Projects/ComputingwithMeaning/ for more
    information about the project.

    Both positions are renewable for up to four years. While both positions
    are research positions, candidates are expected to play an active role in
    supervising PhD students. In addition, candidates may be asked to assist
    with courses related to their research areas. The salary will be between
    5416 Guilders and 7128 Guilders, gross per month. Knowledge of Dutch is
    not a prerequisite, and candidates can be of any nationality. The starting
    date should be between September 1, 2001 and January 1, 2002.

    Anyone interested in these positions is invited to contact Maarten de Rijke
    at mdr@science.uva.nl. Applicants should submit a full resume including a
    list of publications, a statement of research interests, and the names and
    email addresses of at least three references to the same address by July
    15, 2001.

    Research interests within the Computational and Applied Logic group range
    from automated reasoning, constraint programming, satisfability checking,
    and formal verification to digital libraries, information retrieval,
    computational semantics, and knowledge engineering. The group is strongly
    internationally oriented, and currently consists of 15 people; it is
    expected to grow substantially over the next year. Further details on the
    group can be found at http://www.science.uva.nl/~mdr/CALG/.

    Maarten de Rijke  |  Computational and Applied Logic Group  |  ILLC
    U of Amsterdam | Plantage Muidergracht 24 | 1018 TV Amsterdam  | NL
    Phone: +31 20 525 6511 / +31 6 28 194 881   |  Fax: +31 20 525 5101
    E-mail: mdr@science.uva.nl  |  URL: http://www.science.uva.nl/~mdr/

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