KDD-2001 Call for Participation
The Seventh ACM SIGKDD International Conference on
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
August 26-29, 2001, San Francisco, CA, USA
Register online NOW at
On-line, interconnected systems offer unprecedented opportunities
for discovery and learning from the wealth of data they produce.
Extracting useful knowledge from such data is becoming more
difficult, as volume and complexity push traditional techniques
beyond their limits. Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD)
techniques automate the process of extracting knowledge from
data. The annual ACM SIGKDD conference brings together
researchers and practitioners focusing on new developments and
challenges in KDD brought about by this data explosion.
The conference features tutorials, keynote addresses by
data-mining leaders in industry and academia, workshops, academic
and industry paper and poster presentations, exhibits, and the
ever-popular KDD-CUP competition, where universities and data
mining companies compete to mine the best nuggets from real data.
This year's agenda is not yet complete, but as an example of what
to expect here are some hilights from last year's conference:
* over 900 attendees from over 30 countries
* five keynote addresses by CEO's of large software companies and
leading researchers
* standing-room-only tutorials and workshops
* over 20 exhibitors
* research papers on classification, association rules,
visualization, interactive knowledge exploration, mining the
web, etc.
* business papers on applications in marketing, manufacturing,
medicine, finance, aerospace, e-commerce, telephony, etc.
* a lively KDD-CUP competition with 35 competitors analysing data
from a web retail site to predict future customer behavior
Please save the date and visit the website
http://www.acm.org/sigkdd/kdd2001/ for the most up-to-date
information about the conference.
Haipeng Guo
KDD Lab, CIS Department
Kansas State University
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