[UAI] Adventures in Argumentation

From: Simon Parsons (s.d.parsons@csc.liv.ac.uk)
Date: Thu Jun 28 2001 - 08:07:18 PDT

  • Next message: Yukio Osawa: "[UAI] Correction: [CFP] Special Issue on Chance Discovery from Journal of NGC"


    There is now a substantial literature on argumentation in artificial
    intelligence. Many interesting proposals have been made, and there is
    increasing interest in applying argumentation in various domains.

    However, there are also many problems surrounding proposals for
    argumentation, both at the theoretical level and at the applications
    level. Problems include computational complexity, viable
    implementations, semantics for arguments, richer ontologies for
    describing different kinds of argument, incorporation of domain or
    world knowledge in argumentation systems, handling time in
    argumentation, handling uncertainty in argumentation, presentation of
    arguments to non-technical users, finding applications where users can
    use the results of argumentation, the need for toolkits, and so on. We
    need to better understand these problems, and many others besides, and
    some of them seem to call for bold new proposals.

    This workshop is intended to be a small informal workshop for
    researchers in the area of argumentation to present ongoing research
    and ideas. Furthermore, we would like to encourage papers that are
    speculative or even provocative positions, with a view to having a
    lively and interesting workshop.

    The workshop will be held in conjunction with the Sixth European
    Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with
    Uncertainty, in Toulouse, France.

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    * Anthony Hunter (University College, London) a.hunter@cs.ucl.ac.uk
    * Simon Parsons (University of Liverpool) s.d.parsons@csc.liv.ac.uk
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    * Leila Amgoud (Universite d'Angers, France)
    * Laurence Cholvy (ONERA, Toulouse, France)
    * Jerome Mengin (IRIT, Toulouse, France)
    * Claire Saurel (ONERA, Toulouse, France)
    * Guillermo Simari (Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahia Blanca, Argentina).
    Authors are invited to submit position papers or extended abstracts of
    at most 5 pages standard LaTeX article style by e-mail to both of the
    email addresses above, using "Adventures Submission" as the subject
    line. Please submit the paper in postscript.
    There is no particular format for the submission, but the cover page
    should include title, authors, and the coordinates of the
    corresponding author. Authors should also indicate in the first page
    which of the thematic areas best describes the content of the paper
    (if none is appropriate, please give a set of keywords that best
    describe the topic of the paper).
    To be considered, submissions must be received no later than 16th
    July. Authors will be notified of the acceptance of their papers by
    30th July.
    * Submission of papers: 16th July 2001
    * Notification of acceptance: 30th July 2001
    * Workshop: 18th September 2001

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