[UAI] JAIR article by Halpern

From: Steve Minton (Steve.Minton@fetch.com)
Date: Mon Jul 02 2001 - 11:16:04 PDT

  • Next message: Frank Hoeppner: "[UAI] [IDA'01] Call for Participation - Early Reg. July, 13th"

    JAIR is pleased to announce the publication of the following article:

    Halpern, J.Y. (2001)
      "Conditional Plausibility Measures and Bayesian Networks",
       Volume 14, pages 359-389.

       Available in PDF, PostScript and compressed PostScript.
       For quick access via your WWW browser, use this URL:
       More detailed instructions are below.

       Abstract: A general notion of algebraic conditional plausibility
       measures is defined. Probability measures, ranking functions,
       possibility measures, and (under the appropriate definitions) sets of
       probability measures can all be viewed as defining algebraic
       conditional plausibility measures. It is shown that algebraic
       conditional plausibility measures can be represented using Bayesian

    The article is available via:
     -- comp.ai.jair.papers (also see comp.ai.jair.announce)

     -- World Wide Web: The URL for our World Wide Web server is
        For direct access to this article and related files try:

     -- Anonymous FTP from either of the two sites below.

        Carnegie-Mellon University (USA):
        The University of Genoa (Italy):

        The compressed PostScript file is named halpern01a.ps.Z (207K)

    For more information about JAIR, visit our WWW or FTP sites, or
    contact jair-ed@isi.edu

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