[UAI] New Book Announcement

From: Glenn Shafer (gshafer@andromeda.rutgers.edu)
Date: Mon Jul 09 2001 - 09:17:07 PDT

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    Probability and Finance: It's Only a Game!

    by Glenn Shafer and Vladimir Vovk

    Wiley-Interscience www.wiley.com

    Probability and Finance is essential reading for anyone who studies or
    uses probability. Mathematicians and statisticians will find in it a
    new framework for probability: game theory instead of measure theory.
    Philosophers will find a surprising synthesis of the objective and the
    subjective. Practitioners, especially in financial engineering, will
    lean new ways to understand and sometimes eliminate stochastic models.

     The first half of the book explains a new mathematical and
    philosophical framework for probability, based on a sequential game
    between an idealized scientist and the world. Two very accessible
    introductory chapters, one presenting an overview of the new framework
    and one reviewing its historical context, are followed by a careful
    mathematical treatment of probability's classical limit theorems.

     The second half of the book, on finance, illustrates the potential of
    the new framework. It proposes greater use of the market and less use
    of stochastic models in the pricing of financial derivatives, and it
    shows how purely game-theoretic probability can replace stochastic
    models in the efficient-market hypothesis.

     GLENN SHAFER is Professor in the Graduate School of Management at
    Rutgers University. He is also the author of The Art of Causal
    Conjecture, Probabilistic Expert Systems, and A Mathematical Theory of
    Evidence. VLADIMIR VOVK is Professor in the Department of Computer
    Science at Royal Holloway, University of London.


    Probability and Finance as a Game Mathematical probability can be based
    on a two-person sequential game of perfect information. On each round,
    Player II states odds at which Player I may bet on what Player II will
    do next. These lead to upper and lower probabilities for Player II's
    behavior in the course of the game. In statistical modeling, Player I
    is a statistician and Player II is the world. In finance, Player I is
    an investor and Player II is a market.

     PART I: PROBABILITY WITHOUT MEASURE Game theory can handle classical
    topics in probability (the weak and strong limit theorems). No measure
    theory is needed. The Historical Context: From Pascal to Kolmogorov.
    Collectives and Kolmogorov complexity. Jean Ville's game-theoretic
    martingales. Objective and subjective probability. The Bounded Strong
    Law of Large Numbers: The game-theoretic strong law for coin-tossing
    and bounded prediction. Kolmogorov's Strong Law: Classical and
    martingale forms. The Law of the Iterated Logarithm: Validity and
    Sharpness. The Weak Laws: Game-theoretic forms of Bernoulli's and De
    Moivre's theorems. Using parabolic potential theory to generalize De
    Moivre's theorem. Lindeberg's Theorem: A game-theoretic central limit
    theorem. The Generality of Probability Games: The measure-theoretic
    limit theorems follow easily from the game-theoretic ones.

     PART II: FINANCE WITHOUT PROBABILITY The game-theoretic framework can
    dispense with the stochastic assumptions currently used in finance
    theory. It uses the market, instead of a stochastic model, to price
    volatility. It can test for market efficiency with no stochastic
    assumptions. Game-Theoretic Probability in Finance: The game-theoretic
    Black-Scholes theory requires the market to price a derivative that pays
    a measure of market volatility as a dividend. Discrete Time: The
    game-theoretic treatment can be made rigorous and practical in discrete
    time. Continuous Time: Using non-standard analysis, we can pass to a
    continuous limit. The Generality of Game-Theoretic Pricing: In the
    continuous limit, it is easy to see how interest and jumps can be
    handled, and how the dividend-paying derivative can be replaced by
    derivatives easier to market. American Options: Pricing American
    options requires a different kind of game. Diffusion Processes: They
    can also be represented game-theoretically. The Game-Theoretic
    Efficient-Market Hypothesis: Testing it using classical limit theorems.
     Risk versus return.

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