[UAI] MineSet 4.0 Beta Announcement

From: Andy M. Kar (ananda@engr.sgi.com)
Date: Mon Jul 16 2001 - 15:00:28 PDT

  • Next message: Ajith Abraham: "[UAI] HIS'01 - Call for papers"

    We are pleased to announce a new, enhanced, version
    of MineSet, will shortly be available for beta testing.

    MineSet provides a suite of software tools and a
    development platform for data mining and data
    visualization solutions. The suite includes data
    acquisition and extraction capabilities, sophisticated
    analytical data modeling and deployment, and intuitive
    visualizations. MineSet is a client/server application
    that runs on Windows® 98, Windows® ME, Windows® NT,
    and Windows® 2000. (Irix and Linux are also supported
    by MineSet, but will not be available in the beta
    program.) Additional information about MineSet is
    available at http://mineset.sgi.com

    This new beta release, MineSet 4.0, comes with a
    powerful set of new mining and visualization tools
    and significantly enhanced API's for embedding data
    mining functionality into applications. Beta
    images will be available for Microsoft Windows®

    If you are interested in participating in the
    beta program, please sign up at


    New features in this release include:

    * A new MineSet Control API permits applications to
      build and execute data mining histories.

    * New visualization tools for high-dimensional data
      sets and improved display of analytic results.

    * New analytic tools for improved clustering,
      improved decision tree induction and detection
      of anomalous behavior.

    * Automatic build and compare of analytic classifiers.

    * Optimized handling of data transformations in the DBMS.

    * Improved performance of the user interface.

    We expect the first beta images to be available for download in
    a few weeks. We will distribute 2 to 3 beta images before the final
    release of MineSet 4.0, which we are expecting to complete before the
    end of 2001. Note that previous versions of MineSet will need to be
    uninstalled in order to run the beta versions.

    If you have any questions about the beta program, please send us e-mail
    at mineset_beta@engr.sgi.com.

    - MineSet Team

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