[UAI] NIPS*2001 web-site back online

From: Richard Zemel (zemel@cs.toronto.edu)
Date: Sat Jul 21 2001 - 11:22:47 PDT

  • Next message: Cecil Schmidt: "[UAI] KDD Cup 2001"

    The NIPS*2001 web site (http://www.cs.cmu.edu/Web/Groups/NIPS) has been
    down for a few days but the problem has now been fixed. Apologies and
    thanks to the people who notified us about this.

    On the positive side: we've had nearly 30 percent more submissions than
    last year, so it should be an even better conference than ever.

             Neural Information Processing Systems
                  Natural and Synthetic
            Monday, Dec. 3 -- Saturday, Dec. 8, 2001
              Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
                   Whistler Ski Resort

    Invited speakers:
      Barbara Finlay -- How brains evolve, and the consequences for
      Alison Gopnik -- Babies and Bayes-nets: Causal inference and
         theory-formation in children, chimps, scientists and computers
      Jon M. Kleinberg -- Decentralized network algorithms: Small-world
         phenomena and the dynamics of information
      Tom Knight -- TBA
      Judea Pearl -- Causal inference as an exercise in computational
      Shihab Shamma -- Common principles in auditory and visual processing

      Luc Devroye -- Nonparametric density estimation: VC to the rescue
      Daphne Koller & Nir Friedman -- Learning Bayesian networks from data
      Shawn Lockery -- Chemotaxis: Gradient ascent by simple living
         organisms and their neural networks.
      Christopher Manning -- Probabilistic linguistics and probabilistic
         models of natural language processing
      Bernhard Scholkopf -- SVM and Kernel methods
      Sebastian Thrun -- Probabilistic robotics

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