Re: [UAI] Definition of Bayesian network

From: Kathryn Blackmond Laskey (
Date: Sun Jul 22 2001 - 15:21:15 PDT

  • Next message: Milan Studeny: "Re: [UAI] Definition of Bayesian network"


    One thing I really dislike about the "standard stat text" definition
    of random variables and distributions is that the random variables
    themselves change when the sample space is incrementally extended.

    Suppose I have defined a belief network for inferring what disease a
    patient has from a bunch of diseases, symptoms and background
    variables. Now some doctor comes along and tells me he has been
    seeing a brand-new skin rash no one has ever seen before in his
    clinic. We keep an eye out and sure enough, this skin rash starts
    cropping up all over the place. We then discover it is due to a
    virus that used to infect only squirrels and is spread by fleas, but
    has now mutated to infect the human population.

    So we add a new disease to our list of diseases and a new symptom to
    our list of symptoms, which means the BN now has two new variables it
    didn't have before. We add some arcs connecting relevant background
    information (such as region to the country and whether patient has
    spent time outdoors) to these new symptoms. The rest of the BN stays
    the same.

    According to the standard statistics texts, I now have a new sample
    space, which means all my random variables (including ones bearing no
    relation to the new disease) are now different mathematical objects
    from what they were before. "Mammogram," for example, used to be a
    function from the old sample space (the cross-product of all the
    state spaces of the previously modeled symptoms, background variables
    and diseases) to the values "positive, negative, inconclusive." Now
    it's a function from the new sample space (a cross-product with 2
    additional dimensions for my two new random variables) to the same
    outcome set.

    I find it much less confusing to use the incremental specification as
    the basic definition. Your defining things that way was one thing I
    liked about your old text (which I used before it went out of print
    and I couldn't get it any more). However, neither way of doing it is
    "right." I tell students it can be done either way, because either
    way is a valid way of specifying a joint probability distribution.

    Kathy Laskey

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