Re: [UAI] Definition of Bayesian network

From: Robert Dodier (
Date: Fri Jul 27 2001 - 13:33:06 PDT

  • Next message: David Poole: "Re: [UAI] Definition of Bayesian network"

    Hello Bob, Milan, Rich, David, and everybody,

    I'd like to weigh in on the side of the "bottom up" definition
    of a Bayesian network, that is, defining a Bayesian network in terms
    of conditional distributions.

    I think everyone agrees bottom-up is more practical, since we all find
    it easier to think about local properties. However, I would argue that
    it is also similar to the conventional ways of stating mathematical

    The bottom-up definition is analogous to a differential equation,
    as Bob pointed out. One can state all kinds of diff eqs, but only
    a subset of them will be well-behaved. (E.g., some nonlinear diff
    eqs will not have a continuous solution.) The same remark goes for
    integrals, infinite series, systems of equations, and so on.

    At the root of the problem, you must state what you know. From
    that you try to derive the characteristics of a solution. These
    characteristics follow as theorems from your problem statement.
    Concerning a collection of conditional probabilities, one might
    be able to prove the existence of a joint distribution, or the
    nonexistence, or perhaps even the existence of an infinite number
    of joint distributions consistent with the conditionals.

    The counter-example (a collection of conditionals not consistent
    with any joint) mentioned by Milan strengthens my point. If every
    set of conditionals had a consistent joint distribution, then
    the bottom-up and top-down approaches would be equivalent. But
    since we have to choose, I'll take the bottom-up approach: it is
    putting the cart before the horse to restrict one's attention
    only to the examples which have nice solutions.

    Taking a bottom-up approach means that it will be necessary to
    state, in some cases, "This Bayesian network does not correspond
    to any well-defined joint distribution". I don't see a problem
    with that, any more than saying "This integral has no solution"
    or "This infinite series does not converge".

    On a tangential note, I wonder what regularity conditions
    would be sufficient to ensure that a collection of conditionals
    does have a consistent joint distribution. I also wonder if
    one could prove theorems of the form "The conditional p(T|G)
    does exist even though the joint over A,...,Z does not".

    Certainly yours,
    Robert Dodier

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