Re: [UAI] Definition of Bayesian network

From: David Poole (
Date: Sun Jul 29 2001 - 13:13:46 PDT

  • Next message: Bob Welch: "Re: [UAI] Definition of Bayesian network"

    I am reminded of the following quote from the late E.T. Jaynes:

    "Infinite set paradoxing has become a morbid infection that is today
    spreading in a way that threatens the very life of probability theory,
    and requires immediate surgical removal. In our system, after this
    surgery, such paradoxes are avoided automatically; they cannot arise
    from correct application of our basic rules, because those rules admit
    only finite sets and infinite sets that arise as well-defined and
    well-behaved limits of finite sets. The paradoxing was caused by (1)
    jumping directly into an infinite set without specifying any limiting
    process to define its properties; and then (2) asking questions whose
    answers depend on how the limit was approached."

         E.E. Jaynes,
         "Probability Theory: The Logic Of Science", page xi

    This, unfortuantely unfinished, book contains lots of thought-provoking


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