[UAI] CFP: SPIE Fusion Conference Abstracts Due 8/20/01

From: Goebel, Kai F (CRD) (goebelk@crd.ge.com)
Date: Mon Aug 06 2001 - 21:12:37 PDT

  • Next message: iat01@kis.maebashi-it.ac.jp: "[UAI] Call for Participation (IAT'01 and WI'01)"

    Call for Papers

    Sensor Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications VI (or36);
    SPIE's 16th Annual International Symposium on Aerospace/Defense
    Sensing, Simulation, and Controls, 1-5 April 2002, Orlando, FL.


    Abstracts for this conference are due by 20 August 2001. Manuscripts
    are due by 7 January 2002.

    This conference is one of two conferences being offered under the new
    track Information Fusion and Knowledge Discovery Technologies that
    reflect the growing emphasis around the globe on the Information
    Technology area. This conference is designed to highlight the progress
    in the exponentially growing field of multisensor, multisource
    information fusion and will cover all the different facets of
    information fusion systems starting from the conceptual design through
    development, testing, and fielding. The main objective of the
    conference will be to promote synergistic exploitation of the ideas
    from the different areas of endeavor that together constitutes the
    field of information fusion. In particular, the emphasis will be on
    the triplet: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications. Papers
    dealing with intelligent techniques that are relevant to fusion
    processing are actively sought. Applications from both defense and
    civilian domains (such as robotics, medicine, and space, as well as
    those dealing with non-traditional information sources) are welcome to
    further a fruitful exchange of issues and ideas. Studies dealing with
    real-world issues, such as computational demands, real-time
    constraints, and the like are particularly encouraged. Papers that
    address one or more of the questions of what, where, why, when, and
    how in the context of multisource information fusion, fall within the
    scope of the conference.

    Areas of interest include but are not limited to:

    multisensor, multisource fusion system architectures
    data, feature, decision, and multilevel fusion
    multiclassifier fusion
    elucidative fusion systems
    multilook temporal fusion
    active, passive, and mixed sensor suites
    adaptive and self-improving fusion system architectures
    multisensor and distributed sensor system design
    fusion learning in imperfect, imprecise, and incomplete environments
    intelligent techniques for fusion processing
    computational resources optimization
    special purpose hardware dedicated to fusion applications
    system design and algorithmic issues
    linguistic information fusion including semantic webs
    neurophysiologically motivated architectures and applications
    biomedical applications including ICU patient monitoring, health care,
    and diagnostics other real-world applications including military and
    civilian fields such as robotics, mine detection, remote sensing,
    transportation systems, document analysis, character recognition,
    identity verification, and the like.

    Proposals for special sessions devoted to specific topics are also
    welcome. Please contact the chairman at belur.d@dynetics.com with your
    ideas. This conference with its emphasis on rapid dissemination of
    information is intended to complement archival peer-reviewed journals
    such as Information Fusion. Papers presented at this conference, with
    significant additions, modifications, and enhancements, may be
    considered, if the authors so choose, for possible publication in the
    Information Fusion Journal through its normal review process.

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