[UAI] CFP: SEventh Symposium on Math and AI

From: dix@cs.umd.edu
Date: Thu Aug 09 2001 - 10:12:22 PDT

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                           CALL FOR PAPERS
                    Seventh International Symposium on

                January 2-4, 2002, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
                      Email: amai@rutcor.rutgers.edu

    This CFP is also available as a postscript file under

    APPROACH OF THE SYMPOSIUM: The International Symposium on Artificial
    Intelligence and Mathematics is the seventh of a biennial series. The
    objective of the symposium is to foster interactions between
    mathematics, theoretical CS, and artificial intelligence.
    Traditionally, the Symposium attracts around 100 participants from a
    variety of disciplines, thereby providing a unique forum for active
    scientific exchange. The AI & Math Symposia series were started in
    1990 and are held every two years, alternating with the AI &
    Statistics meetings. The meeting includes paper presentation, invited
    speakers, and special topic sessions.
    Topic sessions in the past have covered computational
    learning theory, data mining, knowledge representation, nonmonotonic
    reasoning, category theory, and computational complexity issues in AI.
    The editorial board of the Annals of Mathematics and Artificial
    Intelligence serves as the permanent Advisory Committee for the

    SUBMISSIONS: Authors must e-mail a short abstract (up to 200 words) in
    plain text format to amai@rutcor.rutgers.edu by 21 SEPTEMBER
    2001, and either e-mail postscript files or TeX/LaTeX source files
    (including all necessary macros) of their extended abstracts (up to 10
    double-spaced pages) to amai@rutcor.rutgers.edu, or send five
    copies to
           Boi Faltings
           Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
           Computer Science Department
           Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
           IN (Ecublens), CH-1015 Lausanne (Switzerland)

    to be received by 28 SEPTEMBER 2001. Authors will be notified of
    acceptance or rejection by 3 November 2001. The final versions of the
    accepted extended abstracts, for inclusion in the conference volume,
    are due by 30 NOVEMBER 2001.

    Full versions of a selected set of papers from the Symposium will be
    published in a special volume in the Annals of Mathematics and
    Artificial Intelligence, J.C. Baltzer Scientific Publishing Co.

                        IMPORTANT DATES
                        Abstracts received: September 21, 2001
                        Extended abstracts due: September 28, 2001
                        Authors notified: November 3, 2001
                        Final versions received: November 30, 2001
                        AI Math Symposium: January 3-5, 2002

    SPONSORS: The Symposium is partially supported by the Annals of Math
    and AI and Florida Atlantic University.

    General Chair: Martin Golumbic, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan (Israel)
    Conference Chair: Frederick Hoffman, Florida Atlantic University (USA)
    Program Chair: Boi Faltings, EPFL (Switzerland)
    Publicity Chair: Juergen Dix, The University of Manchester (UK)

    Program Committee:
          Franz Baader (RWTH Aachen, Germany), Peter van Beek (Univ. of
    Alberta, Canada), Endre Boros (Rutgers Univ., USA), Gerhard Brewka
    (Univ. of Leipzig, Germany), Marco Cadoli (Univ. of Roma
    ``La Sapienza'', Italy), Berthe Y. Choueiry (Nebraska-Lincoln, USA)),
    John Franco (Univ. of Cincinnati, USA), Andreas Herzig (Univ. Paul
    Sabatier, IRIT, Toulouse, France), Peter Jonsson (Univ. of Linkoeping,
    Sweden), Richard Korf (UCLA, USA), Gerhard Lakemeyer (RWTH Aachen,
    Germany), Fangzhen Lin (Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology,
    China), Alan Mackworth (UBC), Eddy Mayoraz (IDIAP, Switzerland),
    Pedro Meseguer (??), Bernhard Nebel (Freiburg, Germany) Anil Nerode
    (Cornell, USA), Werner Nutt (Heriot-Watt, UK), Bart Selman (Cornell,
    USA), John Stell (Leeds, UK) Peter Struss (Munich, Germany), Dale
    Schuurmans (Univ. of Waterloo, Canada), Gilles Trombettoni (???)

    INFORMATION: Further information and future announcements can be
    obtained from the Conference Web Site at
    http://rutcor.rutgers.edu/~amai or by (e)mail to hoffman@acc.fau.edu
    or Professor Frederick Hoffman, Florida Atlantic University, Department
    of Mathematics, PO Box 3091, Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA.

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