From: Jennifer Barba (barba@lac.uic.edu)
Date: Thu Aug 16 2001 - 15:29:37 PDT

  • Next message: Ken Satoh: "[UAI] CFP: CLIMA-01 (deadline extended)"


    Second Annual Workshop on the Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML)

    Hyatt Regency San Francisco
    Room Garden A
    San Francisco, CA
    August 26, 2001

    co-located with the KDD-2001 Conference

    - ----------------------------------------------------------------

    The Predictive Model Markup Language is a vendor supported XML language
    for statistical and data mining models. At the workshop, a general
    introduction to PMML will be given, followed by a description of some of
    the newer features provided by PMML Version 2.0, including taxonomies,
    data transformations, rules, sequences, and naïve bayes.

    With Version 2.0, a major effort will be made to broaden the user base
    of PMML. All interested parties are urged to attend. Afterwards, there
    will be opportunities to discuss becoming full or supporting members of
    the PMML Working Group.

    Workshop Schedule

    1:30 - 2:00 PMML - Introduction and Overview

    2:00 - 2:30 General Structure of PMML Version 2.0 Data
    Dictionary, Mining Dictionary, etc.

    Short Break

    2:30 - 3:00 Data Transformations

    3:00 - 3:30 Rules, Associations, Sequences, and all that

    3:30 - 4:00 Related Standards

    4:00 - 4:30 Panel Discussion and Q&A - PMML Version 2.1

    Presentations will be made by representations from IBM, Magnify, Oracle,
    and SPSS.

    The workshop is sponsored by the Laboratory for Advanced Computing and
    the National Center for Data Mining at the University of Illinois at
    Chicago with partial support provided by NSF.

    For more information, please contact the workshop coordinator Jennifer
    Barba, barba@lac.uic.edu, or see the web page http://www.dmg.org.

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