[UAI] Building a Bayesian Network

From: Erich Finkelstein (erichf@conversagent.com)
Date: Wed Sep 05 2001 - 08:22:39 PDT

  • Next message: Alessandro Armando: "[UAI] 2nd CFP: FroCoS'2002"


    I'm new to the alias so my apologies if this question has been asked

    I am currently investigating building bayesian inference software
    (weighing between the buy vs. build decision), I am wondering if anybody
    is aware of any procedural guides (less theory, more implementation and
    example details) outside of the one Cecil Huang wrote.

    I recall a paper by Suermondt sometime ago, but haven't been able to
    track it down. Any pointers or documents you have would be much

    Also, if you have anything on converting influence diagrams to bn's so
    that the core algorithms can be reused, that would be great.

    Thanks much,

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