[UAI] CFP (2): Constraints and Uncertainty workshop

From: Ken Brown (kbrown@csd.abdn.ac.uk)
Date: Wed Sep 05 2001 - 15:00:43 PDT

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    [apologies for multiple posting]


    A CP2001 workshop


    December 1st, 2001



    Description of the workshop

    The handling of uncertainty is a significant issue in many real-world problems
    traditionally tackled by constraint-based methods. Uncertainty can arise
    through incomplete knowledge of the problem at hand, or through incomplete
    knowledge of how the problem changes over time, or may be inherent in the
    problem itself. Though explicit treatment of uncertainty has long been a
    central topic in artificial intelligence, it has received little attention
    from the constraints community. Constraints research that has addressed
    uncertainty is dispersed among a number of sub-fields - Soft Constraints, and
    Dynamic CSPs, for example. The goal of this workshop will be to bring together
    the different aspects of uncertainty in constraint problems, to consider how
    existing methods can be used to handle uncertainty, and to consider avenues
    for future research. Thus in addition to research results, we also welcome
    discussions of work in progress, challenge problems, and surveys of existing
    techniques. The workshop will be of interest to those modelling and solving
    real world problems, to those interested in theoretical issues in constraints,
    and also to members of the Uncertainty in AI community.

    We invite submissions which address any of the following topics, or which deal
    with any other aspect of constraints and uncertainty:

    * modelling uncertainty in static constraint problems
    * algorithms for handling uncertainty in static constraint problems
    * modelling uncertainty in dynamic constraint problems
    * algorithms for handling uncertainty in dynamic constraint problems
    * uncertainty and constraints in application domains - for example,
      scheduling, vehicle routing, and resource allocation
    * the contributions of existing constraint-based techniques to uncertainty

    Submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee, and will be selected
    based on their contribution to the topic of the workshop. For those who would
    like to participate, but do not wish to submit a full paper, we request short
    position statements of at most 2 pages, describing their research background
    or presenting a view on constraints and uncertainty.

    Submission guidelines

    Final papers for the workshop notes will be limited to 10 pages in the Spinger
    Verlag LNCS style (font size 10). Note that there is very little time between
    notification of acceptance and the deadline for final versions, so we
    recommend submissions should be in the proper format to save time. Please
    email all submissions as either postscript, MS Word 6.0 or pdf to Ken Brown
    (kbrown@csd.abdn.ac.uk) by Sept 24th. Each submission should have a title page
    with the name, address, and email address for each author. One of the authors
    should be identified as the contact author. Short position papers should also
    be submitted by Sept 24th.

    Attendance Details

    At least one author of each accepted submission must attend the workshop. All
    workshop attendees must pay the CP/ICLP workshop registration fee. The
    workshop will be timed in consultation with the organisers of the Soft
    Constraints workshop, so that there is no overlap, and attendance at both will
    be possible.

    Important Dates

        Email submission: September 24th
        Notification: October 17th
        Final versions: October 24th
        CP2001: November 26th
        Workshop: December 1st

    Workshop Organisers

    Chris Beck, ILOG, France, cbeck@ilog.fr
    Ken Brown, University of Aberdeen, UK, kbrown@csd.abdn.ac.uk (Primary Contact)

    Program Committee

    Amedeo Cesta , CNR, Italy
    Andrew Davenport, IBM TJ Watson, USA
    Carmen Gervet, IC-Parc, UK
    Philippe Laborie, ILOG , France
    Gerard Verfaillie, ONERA, France
    Thierry Vidal, ENIT , France

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