[UAI] ECAI'2002 second announcement

From: Yannick Prié (yprie@bat710.univ-lyon1.fr)
Date: Wed Sep 12 2001 - 10:23:13 PDT

  • Next message: Conference, AISTA2000: "[UAI] RE: IDAMAP 2001 final program"

    <please excuse multiple copies>

    ECAI 2002, the 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
    will be held in Lyon, France, from the 21th of july 2002 to the 26th.

    Along with this manifestation will be held tutorials, workshops,
    and PAIS-2002 (the Prestigious Applications of Intelligence
    Systems conference).

    Important dates :
        *** 1 Oct 2001 Deadline for workshop proposals ***
             1 Nov 2001 Deadline for tutorial proposals
             22 Jan 2002 Submission deadline for ECAI and PAIS

    For more informations :
           visit our web site at http://ecai2002.univ-lyon1.fr/



    Yannick Prié - MC Informatique - LISI - UFR Informatique - bât. 710
    Université Claude Bernard Lyon1 / F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex FRANCE
    Tél: (+33) 4 72 43 16 36              Mél: yprie@lisi.univ-lyon1.fr
    Fax: (+33) 4 72 43 15 36       Web: http://lisi.insa-lyon.fr/~yprie

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