[UAI] AAAI-2002 Workshop Program

From: Berthe Y. Choueiry (choueiry@cse.unl.edu)
Date: Fri Sep 21 2001 - 12:30:49 PDT

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    AAAI 2002 Workshops
    Eighteenth National Conference on
    Artificial Intelligence

    July 28 - August 1, 2001,
    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

    Sponsored by the
    American Association for Artificial Intelligence

    Important dates:
    Proposals received no later than October 12, 2001.
    Notification of the committee's decision by October 26, 2001.
    Organizers producing call for participation due November 16, 2001.
    List of attendees made by organizers due March 15, 2002.
    Working notes (if produced by AAAI) received by May 24, 2002.
    Workshop dates July 28 - 29, 2002

    For further information about the 2002 Workshop Program, consult the
    following: http://www.aaai.org/Workshops/2002/

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