Re: [UAI] Definition of a Bayesian Network

From: Kathryn Blackmond Laskey (
Date: Wed Sep 26 2001 - 06:59:33 PDT

  • Next message: Xiangdong An: "[UAI] JPD for a DAG such that DAG is p-map"

    Lotfi -

    > The standard axiomatic structure of standard probability theory
    >does not address two basic issues which show their ungainly faces in
    >many real-world applications of probability theory.They are (a)
    >imprecision of probabilities;

    Imprecision of probabilities can be handled with second order
    probabilities and / or interval probabilities.

    >and (b) imprecision of events.

    If by this you mean representing events that don't satisfy the
    clarity test, you are right. Probabilities are defined on sets -- or
    in your terminology, "crisp sets." (I prefer to use standard
    mathematical terminology unless there is a strong reason to do
    otherwise. Therefore, I use"fuzzy set" to refer to the
    generalization of standard set theory that you describe in your

    >To address
    >these issues and to add to probability theory the capability to deal
    >with perception-based information, e.g., "usually Robert returns from
    >work at about 6 pm; what is the probability that Robert is home at 6:30

    I don't understand what you mean by calling this "perception based
    information." This is a statement in natural language, at the
    cognitive level and NOT at the perceptual level. I suspect we as a
    community will ultimately conclude it is a dead-end path to try to
    build a truly intelligent reasoner by reasoning directly with
    linguistic statements such as this, using theories that are not based
    on a deeper understanding of the complex process by which the brain
    generates such linguistic statements. When we have a deeper
    understanding of how we actually do cognitive level processing and
    how it interacts with sub-symbolic processing, I doubt very much that
    t-norms and t-conorms will turn out to be what it's about. They
    strike me as epicycles.

    I could be very wrong about that. I urge anyone who disagrees with
    me to plunge in and work on t-norms and t-conorms. Science moves
    forward because passionate adherents of the various theories try with
    everything they've got to make their theories work. For what it's
    worth, though, although I have the very highest respect for your
    work, I'm placing my bets elsewhere.

    In my mind, "perception based information" would mean something like
    nerve impulses resulting from an optical or auditory waveform
    impacting on the retina or the eardrum. If we are talking
    automation, then a radar waveform or a bunch of pixel intensities
    would qualify as "perception based information." It takes a huge
    amount of processing to turn this kind of information into a
    high-level linguistic summary, fuzzy or otherwise. We don't yet
    understand very well how the brain does this, and our computational
    models still reflect this lack of understanding -- although things
    are moving very rapidly.

    I am very keenly interested in figuring out how a brain or computer
    can get from a bunch of pixels to a linguistic statement such as
    "that is a roughly circular shaped blob." In my view, the big payoff
    will come not from applying t-norms and t-conorms to reason about
    statements already processed into linguistic form. The big payoff
    will come from going from the sensory data to the linguistic
    constructs. Once we understand how to do that, then how to reason
    with the linguistic constructs will become obvious. It will fall
    right out of the theory.

    In my view, the most promising path to dealing with imprecision is
    the following research program (which is going on at an active pace
    as we speak):
       - develop theories of how animals process sensory information;
       - develop theories of how these sensory processing mechanisms
    contribute to the generation of linguistic summary statements such as
    the above;
       - abstract away the details to arrive at the essential principles
    of how humans and other animals do this;
       - build computational theories that apply these essential principles.

    In my view, it is quite likely that probability and decision theory
    will prove adequate to the job. However, in my view it is also quite
    likely that classical physics and classical computing will prove
    inadequate to the job. We will need a new theory of computing in
    which standard recursive function theory / Turing computability is
    replaced by a quantum computation model that has quantum non-locality
    and quantum randomness built into the computational apparatus from
    the ground up. You can find some (as yet unpublished -- I haven't
    yet written anything that I feel is ready for archival publication)
    musings on this topic on my web site (url below). I am currently
    working on a paper amplifying these ideas and developing a quantum
    computation version of the physical symbol system hypothesis. Stay

    >It is necessary to generalize probability theory

    Your preferred research program is to attack these problems by
    generalizing probability theory via t-norms and t-conorms. That is a
    perfectly valid approach to try, as I said above, although it is not
    my preferred approach. However, it's not fair to say this is
    NECESSARY unless you have definitively falsified the alternative
    approaches. You demonstrate necessity only if you can show that
    there is no way to handle these kinds of problems using ordinary
    probability and decision theory. I believe you have come nowhere
    near doing this.

    >in three stages. A
    >preliminary account of such generalization is described in a forthcoming
    >paper of mine in the Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,
    >"Toward a Perception-based Theory of Probabilistic Reasoning with
    >Imprecise Probabilities."

    Thanks for the reference. I recommend it to anyone having a serious
    interest in these issues. It is important to look at all the
    alternatives before making up one's mind.


    Kathy Laskey

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