[UAI] CFP FroCoS'02: Deadline Extension and Call for System Descriptions

From: Alessandro Armando (armando@dist.unige.it)
Date: Wed Oct 17 2001 - 10:44:12 PDT

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    - extended deadline for paper submission (now Nov 5)
    - call for system descriptions (Nov 15)
                            Final Call for Papers

                         Fourth International Workshop

                      ``Frontiers of Combining Systems''

                                 April 8-10, 2002

                       Santa Margherita (near Genova), Italy


    In various areas of computer science, such as logic, computation,
    program development and proof, artificial intelligence, mechanical
    verification, symbolic computation there is an obvious need for using
    specialized formalisms and inference mechanisms for special tasks. In
    order to be usable in practice, these specialized systems must be
    combined with each other, and they must be integrated into general
    purpose systems. The development of general techniques for the
    combination and integration of special systems has been initiated in
    many areas.

    The three previous international workshops on ``Frontiers of Combining
    Systems'' were held in Munich (1996), in Amsterdam (1998), and in
    Nancy (2000). Like its predecessors, FroCoS'2002 is intended to offer
    a common forum for research activities in the general area of
    combination and integration of systems, and on their practical use.

    Suggested, but not exclusive topics of interest for the workshop are:

     * combination of logics

     * combination of constraint solving techniques, of decision
       procedures, of term rewriting systems

     * combination of deduction systems and computer algebra

     * integration of decision procedures and other solving processes into
       constraint programming and deduction systems

     * modeling of hybrid systems

     * logic modeling of multi-agent systems.

    We expect to attract high quality original papers that cover relevant
    aspects of these topics. All submissions will be thoroughly evaluated.
    On the basis of the referee reports, papers will be selected for
    presentation at the workshop and published in the proceedings which
    will appear in Springer-Verlag LNAI series.

    Program Committee:

    A. Armando (U. Genova)
    D. Basin (U. Freiburg)
    F. Benhamou (U. Nantes)
    J. Calmet (U. Karlsruhe)
    G. Delzanno (U. Genova)
    B. Gramlich (TU Wien)
    D. Kapur (U. New Mexico)
    H. Kirchner (LORIA Nancy)
    M. Kohlhase (CMU)
    C. Ringeissen (LORIA Nancy)
    M. Rusinowitch (LORIA Nancy)
    K. Schulz (LMU Muenchen)
    R. Sebastiani (U. Trento)
    C. Tinelli (U. Iowa)
    L. Vigano` (U. Freiburg)
    F. Wolter (U. Leipzig)

    Program Chair:

    Alessandro Armando
    DIST - University of Genova
    Viale Causa, 13
    16145 - Genova
    E-mail: armando@dist.unige.it

    Local Organization:

    A. Armando
    L. Compagna
    S. Ranise

    Paper Submissions (NEW!)

    Original research papers and descriptions of working systems or
    frameworks addressing the combination problem are solicited.

    Authors are encouraged to use LaTeX and the standard article
    class/style file (10pt). The primary means of submission will be
    electronic, in PostScript format. Both research papers and system
    descriptions should be compressed, then uuencoded, and then e-mailed
    to the address frocos@mrg.dist.unige.it. Research papers should not
    exceed 15 pages and should be received via e-mail by November 5, 2001.
    System description should not exceed 5 pages and should be received
    via e-mail by November 15, 2001. Submitted papers and the
    accompanying e-mail message should contain title, author(s) (names,
    correspondence addresses, e-mail addresses), and abstract. Results
    must be unpublished, and not submitted for publication elsewhere. The
    proceedings of FroCoS'2002 will be published by Springer-Verlag in the
    LNAI series and will be available at the workshop. Both the research
    papers and the system descriptions presented at the workshop will be
    published in the proceedings.

    Important Dates:

       Submission of Research Papers (NEW!): November 5, 2001
       Submission of System Descriptions (NEW!): November 15, 2001
       E-mail for submissions: frocos@mrg.dist.unige.it

       Notification of Acceptance: December 30, 2001
       Final Versions due: January 20, 2002
       Workshop: April 8-10, 2002

    Up-to-date information on FroCoS'2002 is available by WWW:

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