[UAI] Collection Papers on AI & Judicial Proof Now Available

From: Peter Tillers (tillers@us.inter.net)
Date: Mon Oct 22 2001 - 07:52:07 PDT

  • Next message: Xindong Wu: "[UAI] Computer Science Faculty Positions at Univ of Vermont"

    My Dear Friends & Colleagues,

    A collection of papers on "artificial intelligence and judicial proof"
    is now in hard copy form. See Vol. 22 Cardozo Law Review pp. 1433-1851
    (July, 2001). The contributors are Kola Abimbola, Ronald J. Allen, Pek
    van Andel, John A. Barnden, Marianne Belis, Johan van Benthem, Daničle
    Bourcier, Craig R. Callen, Ward Edwards, Paolo Garbolino, Ronald A.
    Howard, John R. Josephson, Kathryn Blackmond Laskey, Melanie Leslie, Tod
    S. Levitt, Marilyn MacCrimmon, Zdzislaw Pawlak, Donald M. Peterson,
    David Poole, David A. Schum, Glenn Shafer, Ron A. Shapira, Paul Snow,
    Peter Tillers, and Vern Walker.

    The web site of the Cardozo Law Review is


    and the law review's e-mail address is



    The papers by the above authors will be published in book form either
    later this or sometime next year. The publisher will be Springer Verlag.
    The book will also contain a paper by Lotfi Zadeh.


    Thank you for your attention,

        Peter Tillers

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