[UAI] 3DPVT - 2nd call for papers

From: 3DPVT Symposium (3dpvt@dei.unipd.it)
Date: Wed Oct 24 2001 - 05:01:25 PDT

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                       1st International Symposium on
             3D Data Processing Visualization and Transmission
                      Padova, Italy, June 19-21, 2002

                          Second Call For Papers

    Aim and Scope

        3D data capture, generation, processing and visualization are
    at reach of current sensors and computer technology. The activity
    of a growing number of researchers from fields such as computer
    vision, computer graphics, image processing, bioinformatics, and
    statistics is merging into a new discipline centered around 3D
    data processing and visualization, where transmission issues
    concerning 3D data are instrumental for the distributed use of 3D
    information. The International Symposium on 3D Data Processing
    Visualization and Transmission intends to be a dedicated forum
    where academic and industrial researchers in this field may bring
    and find well established topics as well as issues and
    applications of emerging relevance.

    A list of topics of interest includes but is not limited to:
    3D photography
    3D view registration and surface modeling
    Surface reflectance recovery and modeling
    3D texture processing
    Image-based rendering and multi-view image processing
    Augmented reality
    Compression, transmission and distributed visualization of 3D
    3D Content-based retrieval and recognition
    Man/machine interaction with 3D data
    3D printing and rapid prototyping
    Psychophysics of 3D sensing and haptics
    3D imaging in biomedicine
    Structural analysis and pattern discovery in bioinformatics
    3D imaging in virtual heritage and virtual archeology
    3D imaging in e-commerce.

    General Chairs

    Guido M. Cortelazzo, University of Padova;
    Concettina Guerra, University of Padova;

    Keynote Speakers

    Tom L. Blundell, University of Cambridge, UK
    Avinash C. Kak, Purdue University, USA
    Pietro Perona, Caltech, USA
    Steven Seitz, University of Washington, USA
    Gabriel Taubin, IBM T.J.Watson Research Center, USA
    Luc Van Gool, University of Leuven-ETH Zentrum, Belgium-

    Program Committee

    J. K. Aggarwal, University of Texas at Austin, USA
    Angelo J. Beraldin, National Research Council of Canada, Canada
    Riccardo Bernardini, University of Padova, Italy
    Fausto Bernardini, IBM T.J.Watson Research Center, USA
    Tom L. Blundell, University of Cambridge, UK
    Kevin W. Bowyer, University of South Florida, USA
    Virginio Cantoni, University of Pavia, Italy
    Leila De Floriani, University of Genova, Italy
    Alberto Del Bimbo, University of Firenze, Italy
    Thomas Ertl, Institut fuer Informatik der Universitaet Stuttgart,
    Steven Feiner, Columbia University, USA
    Bob Fisher, University of Edinburgh, UK
    Antonella Guidazzoli, CINECA, Italy
    Martial Hebert, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
    Katsushi Ikeuchi, University of Tokyo, Japan
    John Illingworth, University of Surrey, U.K.
    Sorin Istrail, Celera Genomics, USA
    Andrew Johnson, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
    Avinash C. Kak, Purdue University, USA
    Nahum Kiryati, University of Tel Aviv, Israel
    Jan Koenderink, Utrecht University, Holland
    Giuseppe Lancia, University of Padova, Italy
    Roberto Manduchi, University of California at Santa Cruz, USA
    Takashi Matsuyama, University of Kyoto, Japan
    Johan Montagnat, University of Lyon, France
    Nassir Navab, Siemens Corporate Research, USA
    Valerio Pascucci, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
    Pietro Perona, Caltech, USA
    Yannis Pitas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
    Marc Rioux, National Research Council of Canada, Canada
    Harpreet Sawhney, Sarnoff Corporation, USA
    Francis Schmitt, Ecole Nationale Superieure des
    Telecommunications, France
    Steven Seitz, University of Washington, USA
    Michael Strinzis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
    Gabriel Taubin, IBM T.J.Watson Research Center, USA
    Luc Van Gool, University of Leuven-ETH Zentrum, Belgium-
    Haim Wolfson, University of Tel Aviv, Israel
    Giuseppe Zanotti, University of Padova, Italy

    Organizing Committee

    Publication chair: Roberto Manduchi, University of California at
    Santa Cruz, USA (manduchi@soe.ucsc.edu)

    Tutorial chair: Antonella Guidazzoli , CINECA, Italy

    Exhibits chair: Franco Bombi, University of Padova,

    Publicity chair: Massimo Malaguti, Parco Scientifico Galileo -
    Padova, Italy (malaguti@tecnopadova.it)

    Local arrangements: Riccardo Bernardini, University of Padova,
    Italy (bernardi@dei.unipd.it)

    Finance and registration chair: Linda Quaggia, Parco Scientifico
    Galileo - Padova, Italy (linda@iperv.it )


    All accepted papers need to have at least one registered author in
    order to be published. All accepted papers will be published in
    the Proceedings of the Symposium. Furthermore, a multimedia data-
    base of the presentations and their audiovisual records will be
    made available on the web. The Symposium will be broadcasted live
    on the Internet; it will also be recorded and its streaming
    version will be made available at the conference site.

    Paper submission

    A copy of the full paper (either .ps, or .pdf) should be submitted
    through the electronic procedure available at

    The symposium language will be English.


            Dec 7, 2001 Paper submission deadline
            Feb 15, 2002 Notification of acceptance
            March 15, 2002 Camera ready papers

    Industrial participation

    The fee for exhibitors is 500 Euro. Exhibitors will be given
    a bare space of 8 squared meters ( rectangularly shaped as 4 x 2
    within Palazzo del Bo, the prestigious historical headquarters of
    the University of Padua ( the third oldest in the world ) and
    admission to the symposium of 1 participant.
    Additional participants will be admitted at regular conference
    Information about the exhibiting companies will be included in all
    the published material concerning the Symposium ( Proceedings,
    Internet data-base, live Internet broadcasting ).

    Sponsorships ( in a limited number ) will be collected until
    January 2002.

    Companies interested to participate as exhibitors or sponsors
    should contact corte@dei.unipd.it

    Important forthcoming events

    For people with an interest for cultural heritage, digital
    archives, virtual archeology, copyright protection and related
    topics, we point out the conference "Electronic Imaging and the
    Visual Arts, EVA 2002 Florence", which will be held in Florence on
    25-29 March, 2002. This event is supported by the EC's IST
    programme EVAN-EVA networking Project. For more information
    contact: cappellini@det.unifi.it; jameshamsley@cix.co.uk;
    stanke@gfai.de or look at www.vasari.co.uk/eva/florence and

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