[UAI] Influence Diagram (BNT use query)

From: PhL (philippe.leray@insa-rouen.fr)
Date: Tue Nov 06 2001 - 10:18:57 PST

  • Next message: Masayuki TAKEDA: "[UAI] CALL FOR PAPERS CPM2002"

    Does anyone used the influence diagram functions implemented in BNT ?

    I'm studying the examples given in BNT/examples ,
    but I have some questions ...

    Can we add some evidence in the bnet (on chance nodes or in decision nodes
    to force specific actions) before using solve_limid to find the maximum
    expected utility and the optimal strategy ?
    (i.e. is it possible to compute things like MEU(Decision | Evidence) ?)

    I tried on some examples but the evidence added doesn't change the result

    Kevin : Once I will have understood all the functions proposed for utility
    and influence diagrams, I will write a simple tutorial in the french BNT
    site (based on the oil wildcatter problem), so I could translate it in
    english (and you will correct it :-))

    Philippe Leray
    Associate Professor
    Department of Information Systems Engineering - INSA Rouen
    Lab PSI (Perception, Systems and Information)

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